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; ♡ events *unfinished*

ㅤㅤㅤlist of contents ‧₊˚
ㅤㅤㅤ⌦ yuleball elects 
ㅤㅤㅤ⌦ halloween masquerade ball
ㅤㅤㅤ⌦  annual easter egg hunt
ㅤㅤㅤ⌦ school wide secret santa
ㅤㅤㅤ⌦  adoption ceremony
ㅤㅤㅤ ⌦ valentine's day cards


- ,' yuleball kings, queens, & majesty's ~

takes place? ~
↝ during the yuleball

event? ~
↝ two people will be elected king, queen or majesty by the attendants at the yule ball. being elected king, queen or majesty doesn't really do much, the winners are just given sash's that say their titles and the winners get to sit with the teachers in the great hall during the announcements of the winners. any pair of people can be elected (man and man, woman and woman, they and they, man and woman, etc)

- ,' halloween masquerade ball ~

takes place? ~
↝ halloween, on school years that the tri-wizard cup occurs

event? ~
↝ basically the yule ball, but a masquerade ball. people aren't supposed to ask people to be their date either. this ball, is also optional

- ,' annual easter egg hunt ~

takes place? ~
↝ easter weekend, every year

event? ~
↝ every house in the school has eggs hidden within their house. whichever house can find all the eggs first wins. whichever house wins is crowned egg champion of the year 😃 it's a pointless title with little to no meaning behind it, but the competition is oddly competitive.

- ,' school wide secret santa ~

takes place? ~
↝ dec 1-25, every year

event? ~
↝ on december 1st, everyone has dinner in the great hall, as usual. everyone will return to their dormitories and get ready for bed. 30 minutes after, teachers will gather each house and bring them back into the great hall. a hat will be passed around each table, with several hundred names in it. every student is required to pull out one name. students will only receive the name of another student who is in the same year as them. you will be required to get this student a gift.

- ,' adoption ceremony ~

takes place? ~
↝ after the first years get sorted, every year

event? ~
↝ every 4th year student will have the sorting hat placed on their head. the hat will yell the name of whichever 6th year has the most similar personality and values to them. this 6th year, will "adopt" the 4th year. it's a dead tradition, that used to have more meaning behind it. the ministry just hasn't seemed to take it out. it has a lot of hype behind it, people always get excited for this ceremony.

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