Bus Shenanigans and A tiny bit of First Period! :)

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I dunno dudes. I felt Errorfreshy so I kinda made this chapter have Errorfresh. Please don't send any hate. <3 Although this is the Momma CQ Au, I imagine Error, Fresh and Geno to all be adopted from separate adoption centres! Thanks for reading! :D


Fresh sadly looked out of the bus window. He was awfully bored and the bus still had 10 minutes to go before he finally got to his school. Argh! What could he do for 10 slow and antagonising minutes? Ah! What a perfect idea! Fresh thought. Fresh unzipped his pink backpack and grabbed out his phone. He also grabbed out his neon yellow headphones, and plugged them into his phone. Fresh but on a happy and a tune that gave him 'Good Vibes'.

Error was staring at Fresh. What was this warm and heavy feeling in his chest? Ugh. Whatever. Error brushed this feeling off and striked up a conversation with Geno. They both started to talk about random things, whilst Fresh was just in his own world, enjoying his music. 

The 10 Minutes flew by and before Fresh knew it, the bus had arrived at his school, Underschool. The CQ Brothers were all still in primary school, as they were only 9-10 years old. The thing that sucked the most was all the bullies that attended that school. Fresh was regularly tormented and teased for his appearance and his "Gay" Personality. Most of the time though, Arlo scared the bullies away. There were times that he wasn't able to help Fresh in these violent fights. Sometimes, Fresh would come home with multiple cuts and bruises from his intense battles with Pepper, the one who mainly used to bully Error, although, now he'd moved onto Fresh to bully. 

Right! I'm getting of track aren't I? Fresh shoved his things into the bus and casually walked out of the bus, not caring about everyone rushing and pushing each other out of the 20 Seated Vehicle. Man. He felt bad for the bus driver, he had to put up with 20 children's hassle for 20 or so minutes. 

Geno and Error were the last ones to get off of the bus. Ofcourse Fresh didn't wait for them! Why would he? Afterall, he's emotionless. Anyways, the 2 remaining CQ broskies head to there classes. UGH. Ofcourse Error had to be in Fresh's class. OFCOURSE. :)

Error grumpily sat down in his chair and started to stare at Fresh again. Fresh noticed this but didn't want to make anything awkward so he ignored Error. Error was called out for this by Arlo and his face soon glowed a neon yellow, one of Fresh's favourite neon colours. 

Why was Error doing this?! Was it because he hated Fresh and just wanted to look at his ugly YOLO shades before he would actually murder him? Nah dude. It was because Error LOVED Fresh. Although he didn't realise it, he started to notice how differently he was treating Fresh. It was so weird. Yet so..nice..? Anyways, this love isn't your generic brotherly love. This was love as in..a LOVE LOVE way :) *Im so good at grammar :)*

Fresh continued to jot down notes from Science whilst Error wasn't paying attention at all. He was just staring at his future waifu, nothing much. The teacher took this into account but was to engulfed in answering and helping confused children then telling Error to focus. Arlo however, was keeping tabs on all what was happening and he sneekily took a photo, adding into his Shipping Collection and added it to the other 3 "ErrorFresh" Ship Photos. He was so going to tell Blueberry about this at break. Maybe he could secretly scheme with Blue, to arrange a date for Error and Fresh...and make Dust, Killer, Nightmare, Cross and Horror help Error to pick an outfit for the date, and the Star Sanses and himself and Joker!Sans to help Fresh. Hehehe..this was all going to plan...

Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! 

I'm sorry, but I had to add some ErrorFresh in here :'D 

Anyways ye- also, I apologise for not being on Wattpad for so long! I had to delete it from my phone for storage and I am currently using my laptop on Wattpad. :) That's why I haven't been receiving any notifications from Wattpad at all! (Of course since it wasn't downloaded on my phone lel :>)

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