The summer holidays

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When the seventh owl this month had flown into your window, you decided you had had enough of Sirius' love letters. You untied it, crumpled it up and threw it in the metal bin beside your desk and picked up a piece of parchment and scribbled furiously

"Dear Sirius,

Please stop sending letters. Your owl looks tired so give it a rest. I am not replying because I want to, I am replying because you need to het over me and find someone else to obsess over, someone who will actually go out with you.

Yours faithfully,
                               Y/n   y/l/n"

I folded it up and tied it to the black owl that was patiently sat at my window staring at me every move.
Later that night I couldn't sleep. I kept thinking that I was too hard on Sirius, after all he couldn't help who he liked. I tried to get him out of my head but it was impossible. I stood up and wondered to my bin which sat simply at the side of my desk and picked a it the piece of parchment that was earlier delivered by Sirius' owl. I scanned his surprisingly neat handwriting. It read:

"Dear y/n,

I know you are probably getting annoyed at me for all these letters I am sending, but I promise this will be the last one.
I love you.
And the whole world can find out for all I care the second I laid eyes on you in first year I had made it official that you will be the one I will marry and have two sticky little kids and a nice cosy cottage that will have a nice flower bed that will grow the most beautiful white roses, I know those are your favourite, I will plant and water them and look after our family until I die. I now realise that this will have a small chance of happening as you do not love me. The reason of this letter is to tell you that I will never give up on you and no matter how much you reject me I will always come back to you.

Yours faithfully,
                              Sirius O. Black"

I had never felt so bad in my life. It was true I did not love him but he clearly loved me and I had sent a horrible reply. I felt sick, guilt striking my insides. I fell asleep eventually but It didn't feel like it I was tired, worried and guilty.
A few weeks passed and no reply from Sirius. Of course I wasn't expecting it but I really hoped he would just to make me feel better. I was so selfish.
As I was eating a slice of toast, a beautiful brown owl flew through the window and placed itself gracefully on the table in front of me. I felt happiness rise inside of me I tugged it open ready to read Sirius' letter and apologise. But it wasn't what I thought, all it was was the list we needed for after the holidays.
It was a week until school started I was in Diagon Alley with my mum, who was a pure blood, and we were buying new robes and books. When we exited Madame Malkins, I rested my eyes upon four of the most popular boys in my year; the Marauders.
The smallest of them all, Peter Pettigrew, had mousy brown hair the covered his dull, brown eyes which wouldn't leave the sight of the (clearly most popular) of the boys, James Potter, who had brown curly hair that he would mess up every few minutes running it through his fingers. The one to his left was Remus Lupin, one of my closest friends, he had darkish brown hair that, in the sunlight would hint a slight ginger tone. Finally, the one on the nearest left, was the one and only Sirius Black. The best looking and the most flirtatious boy in school, his glossy and well kept hair hovered just below his shoulders but something seemed different about him, his usually gleaming eye seemed to be less happy and his high posture slouched ever so slightly. I couldn't help wondering if this had anything to do with me.
Hey this is my first chapter ever and I had to write this quickly so it might not be very good lol.
If you have any tips please say I will not take any offence to them.
Tysm x

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2020 ⏰

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