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Lacey Paxton

Colt doesn't ask you any questions about where you are going, instead he follows the route to the address you punch into the GPS without seeming to realise where you are going..


You feel terrible for using his trust in you to take advantage of him, but you need somebody with you when you do the very insane thing you are about to do..

"What kept you so busy this mornin'.. You have a class or something?.."

You shake your head.. "No.. I went downtown, to see Lori James.."

You don't want to lie about that.. She is just the most remarkable person you've ever met, and you don't want to do anything shady or secretive to risk her opinion of you.. He doesn't have seem particularly surpised by the fact.. "But you already knew that.. Didn't you.."

He glances over at you.. "Aw hell.. You know?.."

You laugh.. "Know that Hunter has had you following me since I got home.. Yeah, Colt.. I'm not an idiot.. I know exactly who my brother is.."

And you are finally about ready to fully accept it..

He is who he is..

And you are who you are.. You won't always agree, but that doesn't mean you will ever love him any less.. Even if it means you need to take actions that will upset him..

"Just following orders, Tiny.." Colt grins sheepishly..

You hum as he pulls up at the towering corporate high-rise headquarters of Davros Pharmaceuticals, looking up at the stark slate grey building.. "Aren't we all.."

You step out of the car, striding towards the entrance with purpose as Colt rushes to keep up with you.. "What the fuck, Lacey.. You fixin' to get us both killed?!"

You ignore his irritated, sarcastic tone, pushing through the doors to the lobby and approaching the reception desk.. "Don't worry, I will tell Hunter this was all my idea, I take full responsibility.."

He grumbles under his breath.. "Whatever the fuck this is, it WAS your damn idea.."

You clear your throat causing the stern faced receptionist to look up from her keyboard.. "Welcome to do Davros, how may I be of assistance today, Miss?"

You try to sound confident.. "Doctor Lacey Paxton.. I am here to see David Kingsley.."

She frowns, taping a few keys.. "I see, and is Mr Kingsley expecting you, Dr Paxton?.."

You smile politely.. "Not at all, but if you don't call upstairs and let him know I'm waiting, I can just about guarantee you will loose your job when he finds out you sent me away.."

She hesitates.. "I.. Uh.. One moment.." She snatchs up the phone, dialing with her long acrylic talons.. "Mr Kingsley, I have a Doctor Lacey Paxton here to see you, she doesn't have an appointment but-- Yes, sir.. Yes, I understand.. I will send her up.."

She hangs up the call.. "You can go right ahead, Doctor Paxton.."

You can see she is extremely curious as to who you are, but you have already begun forgetting all about her.. Because you are about to face down the monster who haunts your nightmares.. And every other part of your life..

Colt follows you to the elevators and you ride to the top floor together.. "Are you sure about this, Lacey.. Seems kinda crazy.."

You nod, tucking your bangs back behind your ears.. "I am trying not to focus on that right now, Col'.."

Leather & Lace- THE SPECTER SERIES [book five]Where stories live. Discover now