Chapter 2

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Muffled voices, and there was something heavy laying over me. My eyes felt glued together as I tried to open them and yawned lifting up my head. I rubbed my eyes and looked around, oh, we're at the headquarters already. I was laying on one of the couches with a thin blanket over me, yeah I must've been pretty tired, though for how long was I sleeping? And why didn't they wake me up?? I sat up pushing the blanket off me. Before the realization hit the back of my head like a baseball in full speed and I immediately shot up from the couch looking for my bag. Panicked filled my entire body as I looked around wide eyed, I didn't have time to think about the other people in the room. I needed to see that my bag was safe, that my notebook was safe. I wasn't gonna use it. But I couldn't let anyone else get their filthy hands on it. My secret would be revealed, and I could loose my  best friend.

"Oh look! C/n is awake!" A cheerful masculine voice spoke and I felt all the eyes in the room move upon me. I slowly turned towards the rest of them and put on a smile to hide the panic. There was four other people in the room, all men, all of different ages. Two of them were handcuffed together, it looked a bit odd but I tried to not think much about it. Kinky in public? Huh. I put my hands on my hips and smiled tilting my head slightly before saying with a chuckle "So are y'all gonna introduced yourselves or what?"
"Oh! Yes of course!" The young man said with a bright smile on his lips "I'm Touta Matsuda, this is Soichiro Yagami, this is Light Yagami and Ryuzaki." Mastuda said with a smile on his lips and I nodded slightly, looking through all of them and their characteristics, lastly I looked at the one he had referred to as Ryuzaki and my jaw almost dropped.
"Fuck..." I whispered under my breath as I laid my eyes upon him. He was so... unusual, he was sitting in his chair with his knees against his chest looking at me, his raven black hair falling over his eyes, the bags under his eyes and the absolute basic bitch outfit. Gosh he was interesting to look at. Just my type. I wanted to see it all up in flames with the gasoline in my hand.
"Not to make assumptions but this is L, right?" I asked crossing my arms with a chuckle and Ryuzaki nodded in response,
"Yes, but you'll have to refer to me as Ryuzaki for safety reasons. Just like no one here refers to you as your actual name." He said looking back at the computer screen, and I couldn't help but to let out a loud snicker.
"Like you know my real name."
"We don't.. but still if we did we wouldn't use it..." he said in the same emotionless tone as before, blankly staring at the screen in front of him. Right, only me and one other person knew my actual na- FUCK.
I quickly looked around again, the same panic and anxiety building up inside of me before I heard a kind voice from the couch behind me,
"Y/n!" I immediately recognized the voice and turned my heels. The tall lanky shinigami was hovering above me with a bright smile, all the stressed washed out of my body being replaced by happiness, my friend.

I tried my best to not smile as I looked at her whispering quietly "Zoi! Where the hell were you?"
"In London waiting for you! You said we were gonna meet up there!" Zoi said throwing her detached hands in the air "Why are you even here?"
I sighed, slowly glancing over at Ryuzaki who was still staring at the screen "Long story..." I mumbled under my breath. Zoi sighed and looked at the rest of the people in the room,
"Alright, well explain when you're in private." She said and smiled at me again before disappearing. I took a deep breath, Zoi usually did leave me alone if I was busy with stuff, even if she was my friend. Strange wasn't it, my best- and only friend was a shinigami, a god of death. I think that explains how lonely I actually am.

"C/n! Would you mind coming here for a moment?" Ryuzaki said and I rolled my eyes, I had totally forgotten how boring and uninteresting work is. I made my way to the rest of the group and grabbed a chair before sitting down next to him.
"So. Tell me what you know so far about Kira."
And then he started talking. Boring. I didn't care to listen much to what he was saying, he had a nice voice though. Calm. Collected. Cold. Strangely very attractive... my fantasies were soon interrupted by a certain sentence coming out of his mouth,
"We've come to the conclusion that Kira only needs a face and a name to kill his victims."
My heart dropped. The death note. It couldn't be. 'The human whose name is written in this note shall die'. How dare he use the notebook's power so recklessly. Not even I did. He could expose our secret at any moment. It was just a matter of time. His greed and lust for power was disgusting.

I slowly looked up at the screen as he continued speaking, I smiled and cut him off,
"Oh well. By the way, for how long did I sleep?" I asked, completely changing the topic with no care.
"Three hours." Ryuzaki glanced at me in the corner of his eyes. I yawned and rested my head on his shoulder leaning against him, the look on his face made me want to giggle. Finally someone who I could actually annoy. I wondered what I chaos I could create with him as I looked up at his side profile as the raven haired boy continued looking forwards at the screen.
Pointy nose and black eyes.
He smelled like sugar.
This man was way more interesting than I expected L to be. The mind games I wanted to play with him. Maybe.. just maybe if I'm lucky enough.. I could possibly make him fall for me, that wouldn't be so bad, would it? I'd just have to break his heart like the cold blooded bastard I am.

I got up from my seat and stretched my arms yawning, moving my gaze down to Ryuzaki again I spoke calmly "I'm gonna go take a nap. Wake me up when you need my help. What's my room number?" I asked smiling at them all.

My room was boring, like any motel room, I had my own bathroom and small kitchen so that was nice I suppose. As I collapsed onto the bed Zoi walked out of the wall and looked straight at me.
"Y/n... why are we here?"
"Because I don't exactly have a choice." I grunted and rolled over to the edge of the bed and grabbed my bag looking inside it. The death note was still there.
"Hmm... well let's hope we can go to London soon like we planned." Zoi said with a bright smile on her face and I looked over at her smiling softly. She was always so positive. So kind to me.
"... Zoi. If you ever see someone else with a shinigami following them, are you allowed to tell me?" I asked looking at her and she stayed quiet thinking before nodding saying.
"Yes. Though shinigamis don't usually talk to or about each other when they've spotted the other." She said calmly and floated over to the bed, she looked down at me as if she wanted to know why I asked that question.
"Well, could you tell me if you see another shinigami?" I asked looking up at her and laid back on the pillow with my hands behind my head. She sighed and smiled before nodding,

"Alright. Since that's what friends do."

Now I know what you're thinking. Did I manipulate this shinigami to be my friend and do stuff for me? And to answer your question, no. I love Zoi.

I smiled up at her brightly "Thanks bestie. I'm gonna take a nap now so you can wonder around the place and try to find cool stuff ok?" I shut my eyes and she said bye before walking through the wall to the corridor. I closed my eyes. Starting to think about everything. The investigation. The notebook. Ryuzaki. Kira. It was all like tv show to be honest. One of those dramatic crime movies. Oh well, I slowly felt myself fall asleep as I lost control of my thoughts and couldn't open my eyes anymore.

L's pov.

I stared at the screen quietly. Deep in thoughts. Y/n was a bit strange, why did they panic when they woke up..? Did they think they forgot something before at the airport? Did they forget something at home? I moved my hand over to the pile of sugar cubes next to the computer in front of me, I picked up some of the cubes before dropping them one by one into my cup of coffee, and stirred with a spoon. They were a bit annoying, kinda like Misa. Though she's way worse.

I could tell Y/n's only goal is to create chaos. They don't care about the case at all. And I was afraid they might have made me a target... though I wouldn't fall for their little mind games, if they were stupid enough to think I would then they're no use to the case.

... but what if I would play along? I could make them believe I trusted them, then I'd slowly gain their trust as well.

They can't be trusted. To them only chaos matter.

𝐁𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭, 𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐝𝐲 𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐬.Where stories live. Discover now