Chapter 1

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The bus was a bit crowded. Like always. I look up at the sign above me, next stop: Madrid's airport. I held my suitcase firmly on my lap, and checked so I still had the plane ticket in my pocket. When the bus stopped I got off and started walking towards the entrance dragging my suitcase with me, as I looked around I noticed a few cop cars further away, though there didn't seem to be any police around...

As I continued walking through the airport I had already noticed the woman following ever since I entered the building. I walked into one of the snack shops and picked out a few chocolate bars before putting them in the pockets of my jacket casually looking around, she was still watching me from afar. Though it was pretty obvious she wasn't gonna do anything about it. I got tired of waiting, I needed some action, drama, anything entertaining. Now starting to walk towards her with a smile, her expression doesn't change under the sunglasses.

"Hello pretty lady." I said standing some feet away from her, I held out my hand to her and she hesitatingly shook it.
"C/n, am I right?" She asked looking at me as I nodded slightly.
"How may I help such a beautiful woman like you?" I said slightly seductively as I raised an eyebrow. I noticed her rolling her eyes through the glasses, it made me chuckle slightly.
"I've got a message for you." The blonde woman in front of me said taking out her phone calling a number, right when I was about to ask from who she just gave the flip phone to me "just answer."

Hesitatingly I put the phone up to my ear, almost immediately the person on the other side picked up "Hello, C/n. Are you familiar with the Kira case?" It was a man speaking, he sounded young, maybe 20 or so.
"No. Never heard of it." I said sarcastically, putting the free hand in my pocket.
"I see. I'd like you to work on the investigation with me."
"And you are...?"
"I'm L." He said with absolutely no emotion in his voice. L. The world's greatest detective. I'm talking to the world's greatest detective.
I couldn't help the large grin growing on my lips. Oh god, the amount of power I hold if I join the investigation, the amount of chaos I can create. It filled my body with pure excitement.
"Ohhh hi there L. Sadly I don't really see a reason to join your little investigation. Plus how hard can it be finding Kira? Aren't you supposed to be the world three greatest detectives ever?" There was no answer and I chuckled, sure he might be smart but it's only fair to be honest with him "It's pretty obvious innit love?" I said and couldn't hold back my laughter anymore, the woman looked at me and sighed quietly rolling her eyes and I tried my best to act cold again "But seriously though why would I join the investigation."
"It's either that, or prison..." L responded in the same cold tone. Of course, I should have expected that. I sighed, and switched the phone to my other hand so the one holding it before could rest in my pocket.
"Alright. I'll work with you. But unfortunately I've got a vacation I have to attend to so could I possibly call you back in two months or so?"
"No. We've already arranged a first class private jet that'll take you to Japan. Wedy will accompany you there."
For fucks sake. I didn't waste my money on a goddamn plane ticket and some nights at a fancy hotel in Chicago just for this idiot to tell me I gotta change all my plans and fly across the planet for 13 fucking hours.
Soon my thoughts were interrupted by L speaking once again,
"Your plane leaves in 30 minutes." And then he hung up. I handed back the phone to the lady with a deep sigh, she must be Wedy then I suppose.

The plane ride was so incredibly boring, I hardly got any sleep either. Even if it was first class, there wasn't many people to annoy. All I could do was watch old stupid Christmas movies on a small tv screen in front of my seat, eat the snacks I stole from the airport. I looked down at the watch on my wrist and grinned holding my arm out towards Wedy who was sitting on the seat across the path,
"Hey lady. Check out my new watch." I said and she looked at me confused before gazing down at the watch,
"Wait, did you steal my watch?! When?!" She asked going wide eyed and I chuckled taking it off and giving it back, being the little innocent and kind giving angel I am.
"When we shook hands of course." I smiled sweetly at her before returning to watching the movie and crunching on the chocolate bars.

Once we arrived at the airport I was totally drained. I had eaten all the snacks within the first three hours and then the fourth hour my energy bar dropped to the floor. Oh well, I survived it at least. And then I was there, Japan, finally. As me and the pretty lady Wedy walked out of the airport we were greeted by an old man and a limousine.
"Hola." I said looking at the old man and grinned a tired smile. He looked back at me with kind eyes, he seemed like a sweet person. He definitely likes to help people.
"Hello there mister/miss/mx C/n." He said and held the door to the car open for me "I'm Watari, please step inside and you'll be escorted to the investigations headquarters." He spoke in a calm tone and I smiled getting into the limousine. Almost as soon as I leaned back against the seat my eyes got heavier.. maybe I could just shut them for a second or two... slowly I felt them closing as the car started driving and I leaned my head against the window. After just a minute or two I was already in a deep slumber...

𝐁𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭, 𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐝𝐲 𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐬.Where stories live. Discover now