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The gate that leads to the entrance of the parking garage has been torn open, left to swing on its hinges. Two people I don't recognize stand outside it, gun barrels pointed inwards. I lift myself out of my crouch against a building that hides me from view, but Ama's hand restrains me.

"Teddy, we need to focus on getting everyone out first."

Shots ring out from somewhere inside the garage. My finger twitches on the trigger, but I nod reluctantly.

"Fine. How do we get in if they're—oh. Follow me."

I lead her on a detour through an alley until we're out of sight, where I pull aside the sheet of corrugated metal to reveal my secret entrance. Ama passes me her pistol and then drops to the ground, wriggling underneath.

"Okay. We're clear."

I push her pistol underneath and cast a glance around before sliding underneath to join her, moving the metal back in place.

A shot cracks above our heads.

"Shit!" Ama shoves me behind an ancient car just as another bullet smashes the passenger-side window. I raise my arms to protect myself from the rain of glass. Sweat broils on my skin.

I peer over the side of the car and through the decimated window, trying to figure out where our attacker is. From the far side of the garage, there's a flash of movement. A man shifts his rifle barrel around the edge, pointing it at us. I pull Ama closer to the ground as a bullet whizzes overhead again.

"I'll draw his fire."

"Ama, wait—"

She flashes me a thumbs-up and then dashes for the nearest car, several feet ahead and to the left. I swear, hefting my rifle and pointing it through the window. Bullets skid in her wake, throwing up clumps of concrete. I level my barrel as the man leans out again to get off another shot, then squeeze the trigger blindly. He falls back and out of view, too far for me to tell if the hit was fatal. I hurry to Ama's side.

"Don't ever lecture me for being reckless again, Ama."

She gives me a tight, hollow smile that ends up looking more like a grimace.

"Okay. What do we do?"

Someone shouts something from inside the garage. I crane my head towards the sound.

"Can we get into the garage from the back?"

"Yeah. Should be able to."

"Okay. I'll go in and get people out. I'll bring them to you and you can take them to where Noah and Maddy are. Okay?"

She nods, putting a hand on my arm. My skin burns under her touch.

"Be careful."

I lean in to place a kiss on her mouth. "Yeah. You too."

She gives me a gentle push. I scramble to my feet, adjusting my slippery grip on the rifle I hold. Then I make a break for the backside of the car park, the nearest side to where I am. Hearing voices, I hoist myself over the low wall and immediately press my back to a large crate, peering around the corner.

Two people I don't recognize stroll around the main floor, sticking the muzzles of their guns under tarps and flipping them up to see the contents. I catch snippets of conversation.

"—good spot."

"Not sure I like this. We don't even know how well-armed they are."

"We're doing fine so far, aren't we?"

They wander towards the far corner and I slip out from behind cover, inching towards the incline that leads to the next level. With their backs turned, I dash up it as quietly as I can, sliding behind the nearest tent before I realize someone's already there.

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