chapter 3 the wakening

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(bunny's pov)
When I woke up I was small and feel soft but I was a doll , I realized that I was in the basement and I got murder by my own dad and turned in to a doll and my friends and I try to speak but my mouth was sow my mouth shut and I got so mad, I made myself fall the shelf and I didn't feel pain and it was werid I guess and I need to get out of here as fast as I can before something else happens and wake up my friends

Skip time then she woke up her friends

Nobody's POV
What the hell, what happened and how are we looking like strippers and why did your dad killed us, and I answered I don't and she was confused and how we need to figure out a way out of here and fast but how we are so small
My friends: but are you sure
Yes I am positive
My friends ok if you said so 
Well what are you waiting for let's go already !
  (Hour later )
Will we are
It's creepy
Well no dip shure lock
Yes what do expect
What candy canes

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