Niall #3

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You couldn't believe it. You'd scored four tickets to the One Direction concert - floor seats!! You'd participated in an online contest, just for kicks, but you'd actually won first place! They'd offered a Meet&Greet with each ticket, but your parents wouldn't let you take them. You'd been heartbroken at first, but then you decided the concert alone would be just fine. I mean, floor seats!! . . .

The day of the concert, you're walking to the bus stop with Nikki, Lucy, and Korey when your phone vibrates in your pocket. You pull it out to look at the screen and see a text from Abby.

Abby: What's good?

Y/N: On our way to the 1D concert :D

Abby: Oh the one u won tickets for?? EEEEEK I'M SO JEALOUS

Y/N: xD wish it had been five tickets. Totally would have invited u <3

Abby: <3 make sure 2 tell me everything! Take pics & vids if u can!

Y/N: I gotcha ;)

The bus rolls up just then. "C'mon, (Y/N)!" says Lucy, grabbing your arm and pulling you in to find the nearest available seat. You plop down beside her while Nikki and Korey find seats nearby. As the doors close and the bus begins to roll again, you and your giddy friends can't stop talking about the boys.

"Have you seen the new music video?" Nikki asks.

"No," you start to say, but Korey says, "Yeah, and remember when Louis. . " Before you know it, they are in the midst of a lengthy discussion about One Direction's latest music video. Lucy offers to show you the video on her phone, but there's no Wi-Fi on the bus.

"So (Y/N)," says Korey, finally turning to you, "who's your favorite?"

"Of the boys?" You hadn't given it much thought. "I don't know. I mean, I love them all."

"Well, which one would you marry, if you had to choose?" Lucy prompts.

"Um, well. . . maybe. . . um. . Niall Horan."

"Awww!" they all say. You blush slightly.

When the bus drops you off in front of the concert hall, the four of you quickly hand in your carefully preserved tickets, go through security, and find your seats before. The stage is literally about six feet away from you! If you could just reach out . . .

The countdown clock begins. This is the moment I've been waiting for! Your heart starts to pound as your reach for you phone with shaky hands. The crowd starts to shout: "Five, four, three, two, one. . ."

You videotaped the entire concert. Well, you tried to. There was one instance where Niall had neared the edge of the stage during "Stole My Heart," and then pointed in your direction when he sang the chorus. You dropped your camera then. Despite the fact that the screen had shattered, it was still working.

After the concert ends, the four of you decide to hang around near the Meet&Greet area. "So we don't miss anything," Korey says. You dig out your camera again, and Nikki points at your cracked screen. "Did that just happen??"

"It's Niall's fault!" you say, and you both laugh.

Lucy suddenly shrieks, "Look!" and points in the direction of the Meet&Greet tables. A group of noisy fans is moving slowly in a large group toward you. The four of you are swallowed up by the group of people, and right in the center is Niall. Your heart leaps up into your throat and you shudder unintentionally.

"I'm sorry, love. Did I startle you?" Niall asks you, with a sympathetic smile on his face. He has to talk loud over the commotion made by the fans crowding around him. His voice makes you feel weak in the knees. You shake your head quickly, unable to speak.

"Hey Niall!" yells Korey from behind you, holding her phone up. "Niall!"

"You want a picture?" he yells back.

"Yeah!" she shouts. He reaches for the phone, and you duck out of his way, but then the commotion gets louder and the crowd starts to get rough. Korey nearly drops her phone, and you cling even tighter to yours. Lucy screams that someone just stepped on her foot. You turn around and try to reach for her, but out of nowhere something whacks you in the head. You stumble backward and fall right into Niall's arms.

"Hey!" Niall shouts. The whole crowd instantly quiets down. "Calm down," he continues in a softer tone as he hoists you back up and sets you on your feet again. "Just relax. There's enough of me to go around." He smirks. The fans giggle and everything goes back to normal. Niall places his hands on your shoulders and bends over to look into your eyes. "You alright, love?" he asks you.

"Um," you say, nodding. "Yeah."

"You sure?" he says.

"Yes," you say, a bit louder, and muster a smile.

"Good," he says, then hugs you. As he turns to check on Lucy and Korey, you blurt, "I love you, Niall."

Niall turns back to look at you and you blush and look at the floor. A huge smile spreads across his face. He moves closer to you and wraps his arms around you again. "Love ya too," he says. Then he presses a gentle kiss to your forehead. Your heart begins to pound in your head. As you walk away, you can still feel the warmth of his arms around you and the gentle tone of his voice still resounds in your ears.

On the bus again, going back home, you shoot Abby a text:

Y/N: Had a GREAT time at 1D concert. Do I have a story for YOU!

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