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i remember i would kiss you and i would feel as if i was drowning.

i remember i would kiss her and i would taste her asphyxiating pain on my lips.

and the touch of your unkind hands would send chills through my blood.

i could always feel the way her body trembled from beneath my grasp.

i hated my skin and the way it looked in the mirror everyday.

the hideous marks on her lifeless body existed only because i put them there.

some nights the nightmares would be too much for me to handle.

i would pretend to be asleep when she cried and screamed into her pillow.

the world was a gruesome battle and there were days when i couldn't fight anymore.

there were days when i was the one who fired at her and crippled her with my words.

you were a storm in my eyes; screaming thunder and ghastly skies.

i used to strike down upon her like a flash of lightning and set her soul on fire.

i ran to you when i needed to escape the shadows of tragedy lurking around the world.

i'm sorry she didn't realize that i was the one she needed to escape from.

you sucked the life out from my veins but i loved you.

i loved her.

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