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Celeste groaned, stretching her legs and arms across the bed as she woke up.



"Oh. Crap!" She wiped her eyes, realizing the phone had been ringing. Celeste slipped off her bed as quick as she could, making the call.

She cleared her throat. "Hello?"

"Hey Celeste. You just woke up didn't you? Any way."  Celeste recognized that familiar voice, it was Lazard, Director of SOLDIER.

"I totally wasn't just asleep... what's up?" Celeste spoke back, rubbing her temples.

"I need you at my office pronto - great news awaiting you actually." His tone seemed cheerful. It made Celeste oddly smile. What it could be? She wasn't so sure.

"Of course. I'll be right there. See you soon."

Celeste hung up the phone, and walked to the bathroom mirror, rubbing her under-eye skin. 

"Time to freshen up." She croaked, stretching her arms.


After a quick refreshing bath, and straightening up her look, she stood at her door, eyeing her weapon. To take or not to take?

She would always think of her Father when she stared at her sword. She fixed her clothing - she wore black pants matched with a black top - simple outfit, yet powerful, she thought. She ruffled her hair, opened the door, and locked it shut.


Celeste walks up to the door, the door that once it is open, will hold so many opportunities for the near future. Despite how anxious and excited she feels, she takes a deep breath and manages to calm down. 

This will be okay. I hope it's something good.

She places her hand on the door knob, slowly turning it clockwise. Celeste observes that the hinges of the door made many squeaks as it opened. That's what happens when metal rusts. I wonder how old this place is...

Celeste smiles as she sees the view upon her. Lazard, the Director of SOLDIER, who invited her down to his office personally, sat across. Lazard sat rather quietly with his hands intertwined together, placed on the desk.

"Come in, Celeste. I have quite an exciting promotion for you." He spoke, fixating his sight onto her. Celeste smiles, nodding. Celeste walks towards him, "I'm all ears." I say, with a bright smile plastered onto my face. I probably look like an idiot.

"I've recognized your remarkable progress in this facility," Lazard said, with a soft smile, "You are distinguishable, after all, I think you'd be a good edition to our elite unit in SOLDIER. Considering that you are also quite the consultant. Of course, this goes without saying, you are expected to meet full standards at this point." 

Lazard sat upright, pushing his chair slightly back, elegantly dusting his blazer. 

"You are now a 1st class SOLDIER. Congratulations."

Upon hearing the news, knowing that made everything better to Celeste. It had been years, but she anticipated the promotion to 1st CLASS. Celeste felt her eyes gleam with hope and happiness, and she smiled as much as she could at that moment. "That..", she stumbles, not sure how to pick out at my words, "I can't - just... thank you. Thank you so much." Celeste raises a fist, "I promise I'll do justice to that rank. With all my might."

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