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"I guess I could give it ago" I say as I fly above its head and flip in mid air backwards and make my whip appear before wrapping it around the beasts neck pulling myself down onto its back and he continued to run making it a little unstable for me to stand on its back as I also fall of but my whip holds its grip around its neck so I pull myself back up

"Okay now what?" I ask as it hits a few aliens as it runs around the arena "I don't know figure it out" Mani says making me huff before grabbing hold of a spear that is on its back as I almost fell again making it roar loudly and lift it's right arm and slam down on the ground...

"Hang on a minute" I say and grab the same spear and it does it again so I touch a different spear and it jumps in the air "woah!" I say as it was a pretty high jump and it lands on another big alien beast crushing it's head killing it "okay now I'm starting to have fun" I say as I find another spear and touch it and it slammed both fists on the ground killing aliens as it runs

I continue to do this until I lose balance and touch a different spear and it stopped in its tracks and jumps backwards "oh fuck!" I says I was to slow to move as it lands on me with its whole weight crushing me "y/n!" Lauren shouts as I hear a winded breath slowly escape from me as the beast gets off of me and continue its rampage around the arena "that look like it hurt a lot" Camila says as I lay there in pain through out my whole body

"Ouch" I say as I could start to breath again "let's... Not do that again" I say as I lean to my left and sit up looking around before starting to stand up "oh boy... That's gonna bruise" I say as I rub my head "I'm gonna feel that for a week" I add before my instincts tell me to move making me quickly move as a spear lands where I was standing just a few seconds ago

"Are we still not done?" I ask as I hear Ally chuckle "nowhere near" she tell me making me groan "ugh why" I whine as I take hold of the spear that was randomly through in my direction by God know who but I turn to my left and block a sword at was about to collide with my head "to your left" Dinah says "little to late Dinah" I say as I headbutt the alien but that was a bad idea as their head was made of God fucking know what but it hurt "oww" I says as the alien growls at me unfazed by the headbutt and I give them a awkward smile "hehe" with a awkward laugh with it and it has this long snout for a mouth but it then headbutts me back making me stumble back stunned by the hit

"Oohhhkay" I say shaking my head as I got a little dizzy because of it but then it kicks me onto the floor and swings it's sword at me but I lift the spear blocking it again as I then wrap my legs around it's arm flipping it onto the floor as I sit on its shoulder and let go of the spear and grab it's hand with the sword in it and crush it's hand making it squeal in pain and drop the sword

I grab the sword but then it bites... My ass... "Ahhh!" I scream "it's biting my fucking ass!" I shout making a few heads turn in my direction to see what is happening and some stop to laugh at me and I swing the sword back behind me and cut it's head off and I stand up and see it's head is still on my ass so I grab it and take it off throwing it to the side "hahahaha" Mani starts laugh with Dinah as Camila giggles with Ally and I rub my ass

"Oh that fucking hurt what a bastard" I say as I look at my butt seeing the damage and I growl in disapproval "what a dick" I say before taking some of my frustration out on a few aliens and a big alien beast that crushed me earlier

"Okay who's next?" I ask with a bit of an angry tone and expression and I covered in multiple different colours of blood as I have been killing all kind of aliens and two aliens run at me and I'm kinda mad right now so I run at them with the sword in my hand

They both swing at me but I duck and slide on my knees as I cut both if the back of their knees and then stand up and decapitate both if them and then something hits my shoulder but it didn't hurt "now what?" I say as I turn and see a small alien with stones in its four hands but it was an adult you could tell by the size of it... Errm... Why is it naked?

"I'm going to make you eat your own dick for that" I say with fire in my eyes and I could tell I was losing control slowly but I try and keep my shit together but the little fucker was making it harder and it throws more stones at me and I shield my face with my left arm as they bounce off "Lauren she's losing control" Ally says "let her" Lauren says with a serious tone

"You fucking little rat!" I say as I grab it but then another jumps on my right arm and then my left and my back and more and more start to sworn the as I rip a few apart and throw them but the more I rip apart and throw the more turn up

Invincible fifth harmony Lauren/youTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon