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“Sorry dude, I just can’t let it go,” my friend Ronnie howled as we speed walked out of our last class together. It was a World History class and a Friday afternoon.The hallways were already packed with students, even though the last bell rang a couple of seconds earlier.

I unintentionally fell asleep during Ms.Dion’s important lectures on the Civil War and that drove her insane. Just as she was about to war on me about sleeping in her class, the bell rang and I was the first one out. Ronnie is finding it very amusing. He finds the littlest things amusing.

“...She is so going to make the test harder, just so you can fail. Just for you bud. You’re very special my friend.” he told me as he patted my back.We dodged book bags and getting elbowed by other students. It happens a lot in the West Chester's High’s halls.

Ronnie just couldn't believe I fell asleep in Ms.Dion’s class. You don’t know her, but if you haven't slept in 72 hours and you have to go in her class for an 80-minute rant on history, you will indeed stay awake. She yells when she teaches, and it’s the kind of annoying whining voice that makes you consider downing down bleach.

“Dude, shut up about it. I didn’t get that much sleep last night. I was finishing this stupid chem assignment-”

“You ran like a b!tch out her class!” he laughed.

We both reached the main entrance to the huge building and walked out. The summer weather was slowly fading away the closer October ended. I only wore my sweatshirt hoodie, and I was still warm. I took my cars keys out of my hoodie pockets.

As Ronnie continued to giggle to himself we reached my old car in the student parking lot. You can easily spot her out (yes my car has a gender) for she isn’t the prettiest convertible. It’s my uncles old car. He moved to Europe last summer and gave me Hagrid (yes I named her too) because he couldn’t afford to bring her with him. She breaks down plenty, but I’m not the one to complain. Ron’s always there to fix her up whenever.

Speaking of Ron let me share a little about him to you. He’s my best friend here. Here being West Chester High, the high school I attend. I as in me as in my name is Graham Toth. The most nicest guy you’ll ever meet here. But I guess that’s pretty bias considering no one's really said that about me. Oh, and I have ADHD. And I was just going to tell you about Ronnie my best friend, so maybe I am also conceited.

Okay, back to Ronnie. The co-captain of the robotics team, the animator for the school's website, the captain of the soccer team, a volunteer worker at the local pet shelter. Ronnie. If you were to look at Ronnie, and you label people for a living, you probably wouldn’t know what box to place him in. He wears glasses like a stereotypical nerd would, but he has no braces, excessive pimples, or weird facial hair problems like a stereotypical nerd would have. He’s fit and tall and has this nice hair that no matter the weather seems to always be in place. The girls love that, by the way. And to think that I would be friends with Ronnie. Who would've guessed?

I had no friends freshman year. All my best bros from 8th grade either moved or went mute on me. I met Ronnie one day at the school and we had to work on an assignment. He looked like a stereotypical nerd then, and I thought he was lame based on his bad B.O. I was currently failing the class we had to do the project in, and Ronnie helped me out a bunch. Turns out, we had a lot in common and even after the project was done, (We earned an A+) he even helped me out with my other classes. After freshman year, we were inseparable. He helped me out with so much and his B.O improved, thank God.

        “Oh yeah,” Ronnie said as he closed his side of the car’s door. “I told Dani I was gonna be at her lacrosse practice today,” he told me.

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