All about Pisces

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Your Looks: Generally short in stature, pale complexion, full but watery-looking eyes with small hands and feet. Dark hair is common in both sexes. Males tend to stoop at the shoulders, females are usually conscious of having the same tendency. In nature you can be changeable, passionate and generally possess good judgement. There's a tendency to secretiveness and you can sometimes be difficult to know or understand (or, could it be that you like to keep a secret or two?). Some 'little fishes' lead a double life! 

Your Financial Abilities: Although there'll be many fluctuations in connection with money matters, both from an income and expenditure point of view there'll also be periods of good luck and good fortune. Also, there's some kind of 'protection' (dependent upon your faith) that looks after your sign, safeguarding you in many ways! Believe in this for it's true. Any inclination to try and make money easily or quickly should always be resisted otherwise this can bring you into contact with dubious characters. Interestingly, you'll know quite a few 'dubious characters' in life, whether you become financially involved or not! 

How well you communicate: Your communications skills depend entirely on your moods (which can be many). When you feel like it you can be the warmest, most sympathetic and understanding person around. Always able to make people feel better. At other times you're completely 'out of it' with people talking to you but you're 'not here.' In life we meet all kinds of people and we all have to learn to deal with them and you are no exception. You have to listen to and tolerate those with whom you have little or no emotional rapport. Or, with those people you have 'no time' for under everyday circumstances. 

Your Lifestyle: Your sign is connected with quite a few changes in residence or, constantly re-building the one you already own! The family life will be varied with good 'n' bad relationships with parents and siblings all causing at times for your lifestyle to be unsettled and unsatisfactory or pleasant and satisfying. On the other hand, if everything is fine 'n' dandy then as you get older and make your own life you'll either make a fantastic success of it or a dismal failure! Towards the end of life expect to find yourself ending your days in a hospital, nursing home or similar institution. Even if you don't, you'll have dealings with those who do! 

Your Creativity: Acting, dancing, singing, art, music, ballet, needlework, metal and woodwork, the list goes on. Your interests will be varied and you'll try anything once. You can relax with a good book, a good movie or a jigsaw puzzle! You'll have a great imagination so why not think about writing that novella you've always thought about? Romantically, well, your sign leans forwards flirtatious-ness and secret love affairs! The reason is that your emotions run deep and sometimes too intense for one person or one interest to quell your thirst for creative satisfaction. 

Your Health: Although your sign is regarded as one of the 'weaker' ones it's amazing how strong you really are! What you must remember is never to allow any condition to become chronic; otherwise the 'weakness' of your sign takes over. So, even if something seems trivial see to it ASAP. You'll know all about the need to look after your feet but you also need to look after the skin, blood circulation, spinal complaints or injuries. Interestingly, personal cleanliness and cleanliness at where you work is also recommended otherwise you'll be subject to work related illness or disease. Just think of nurses! (The occupation Pisces rules.)

Relationships: We cannot and should not attempt to change another person yet, you above all will put up with the 'crap' more than most hoping that one day he or she will change! Living with you can be fascinating to say the least for one minute you're all 'here and now' and the next you're 'somewhere else' always full of surprises! When you're 'here and now' you're attentive, loving, giving, sharing and full of laughter. When you are 'somewhere else' you are a pain in the butt for no one can reach you. Maybe that's one of the reasons your sign rules alcohol or drug dependency! (With you being off your face on booze or pills!)

Your Sex Life: Sex for you has to be 'experienced' never just an act to get over and done with! You'll either bend over backwards (literally and figuratively) to please your partner or expect him or her to bend over backwards for you! One thing's for sure, looking for the experience will mean a fairly active and involved sex life with you trying just about anything once. One thing all Piscean's must be careful with is feeling sorry for their object of desire and offering themselves out of sympathy (it only backfires as you wake up afterwards wondering why in the hell you did what you did!). You've been warned. 

Your Philosophy: In religious matters there's no more loyal a follower than a Piscean. You'll sacrifice everything for your God; maybe that's why Pisces make the best nuns, priests, and missionaries! No matter what your belief there'll be moments in your everyday life when you'll spend a few moments in private communing with your god, guru or goblin! If you ever turn your attention towards psychic matters be careful of the trance / channeling states for you could easily be 'taken over.'

Your Career: You'll find Pisces working all the hours god brings 'just to make ends meet' or, to support an ailing partner, parent or sickly child. Maybe that's why you find a lot of 'little fish' working in the medical field! You'll often underrate yourself and talents and if there is any underlying / untapped talents then you can bet 'London to a brick' there'll come a day when a crisis brings them to the surface. In fact, there are many successful Pisces who are doing what they want to be doing not because they planned for it but it just sort of happened that way! 

Your Friendships: It'll be or should be relatively easy for you to make friends for you're willing to help those in any kind of trouble, wanting to make things easier for them. This'll endear you to many people especially those who are sick, ill or infirm. A word of warning: When your intuition tells you, use discrimination so that others don't deliberately mislead you for their own agenda's. You possess a reliable intuition so learn to listen to it. Friends will be found with a variety of signs in the Zodiac some of whom are Sagittarius, Virgo, Gemini (?) and even though you'll find this hard to believe, with Aquarians! 

Your Nightmares: There are many, too many in fact. Some of them will be forming unholy alliances or becoming involved with those who actually conspire against you! Becoming so sick yourself that your quality of life suffers and living the life of a vegetable becomes a reality instead of a nightmare! All Piscean's have a 'guardian angel' who will come to their rescue when the 'chips are down.' Why not find yours NOW?

(c) RichardAnderson

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2012 ⏰

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