⚝Chapter One⚝

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So you would think that waking up in a room that was clearly not yours would be more panicking; but no. I reached around searching for my phone. When I found the desired object I gently sat up. Blinding myself with my phone screen, I looked through my contacts. Where were they. The feeling on dread settled down in my chest. Heart rate elevated; I'm panicking. Fuck.  I got up finally taking in the seriousness of the situation. Observe, find weapon, and go home. Now the I had my tasks I set off. Starting with the room it was really big and surprisingly nice looking. A comfortable bed but, there was nothing helpful. I quietly listened out the bed before checking to see if it was unlocked. It wasn't. "What kind of dumb ass kidnappers?" mumbling to myself I step out into the wall halls. My attention went to the architecture. It looked like a dark Gothic  European style. Are we in Europe? Wait, no, more important matters at hand.


    After wondering around for what felt like hours. I found the Library. Well I assumed  it was since it was a room full of shelved books. Talking, I could feel my heart pounding. I decided to stop moving and listen. "Lucifer, I'm having second thoughts about this exchange student plan." Exchange student plan? "Are you questioning decisions Lord Diavolo, Satan?" Hold, up! Lord Diavolo? Satan? Who the fuck names their kid Satan? Wait who names their kid Lucifer too?  "Yes, but not because I don't think I would be an interesting experiment. Humans are weak and imagine if this back fires the Celestial Realm will not be happy. This could-" "Silence Satan, if you're so worried about the human's health I'll have you watch over them." Okay, so they aren't human? Celestial Realm? As in angels? "What I don't have time for babysitting!" "Then stop questioning Lord Dialovo's decisions." I decided to leave. I wasn't here for listening to petty arguments. While making my way out, in all my glorious wisdom I tripped over a stack of books. Please don't notice. Please don't- "What was that? Is someone in here?" FUCK.

Stumbling up as quickly as possible I tried to get out of sight but I was grabbed. Too late. "Who are you?" the blond narrows his eyes. His jaw was clenching he was angry, "Were you eavesdropping on us?" I seemed to have lost the ability to talk. "Well? Answer me." He was losing his patience, "Satan! Hands off her! That is one of the human exchange students." The taller one walks over calmly. He seemed assumed, "I wonder how she got here?" "I walked..." So if Goldie locks is Satan then cocky tall man is Lucifer. Satan seemed to calm down he chuckles at my response, "She walked Lucifer." Lucifer sighs, "Yes, of course, but I had locked the door. To prevent this from happening." "What are you?" I asked, i had regained my voice. "This was not how I wanted this to happen" Lucifer looked looked distressed and exhausted. "Well that much is obvious you should get her to your precious Lord Diavolo." Lucifer shot Satan a glare. They are ignoring me great and Blondie is still holding on to me. "HEY! HELLO, WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU!" I glare at them. There stared at me, "We're demons. Was that not obvious. My names Satan and his is Lucifer." "No, I just thought your parents hated you." They both stared in shock. Lucifer sighs, "Let's just get her to RAD."


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2020 ⏰

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