chapter six.

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"Hey, Mom!" I said to her. This is the first time I've seen her in weeks, and it's a moment I've been waiting for. I've been so busy, and Adam said I needed to get my priorities right. So of course, I chose him. But here I am, walking into a coffee shop, getting ready to see her for the first time in too long.
"Oh Taylor, you look lovely." She hugs me. Oh, how I have missed her smell. She smells like home.
I decided that it would be lovely to meet her for lunch. She looks tired.
"How is Adam?" She asks me, and I grin.
"Good, good, I'm really happy," I tell her, and she smiles. I can't believe that she's here. Sitting in front of me, smiling. It feels so nice.

Adam is annoyed at me because I wanted to have lunch with her instead of joining him for coffee with his friends, but I pushed that feeling down. I didn't overly enjoy hanging out with his friends. They were all loud and they often made comments that I didn't like. Comments that made me feel uncomfortable. So, for once, I put my foot down and refused to go. I mean, this is my Mom, and I haven't seen her in so long. I am allowed to see her. Sometimes I have to put myself first, as much as Adam hates that.

I'm wearing a singlet and a skirt. Clothing items that I haven't worn in months. Mostly because Adam said that they didn't suit me. That it made me look too young, too sweet and too fat. He said that I needed to grow up. I can see where he's coming from, of course. Mom and I sit there for hours talking, and it's so nice to talk to her. I haven't really talked to anyone but Adam recently, I guess that he enjoys my company... I guess that he loves me so much that he doesn't want to share me with anyone else. Which is understandable. He should want to be with me. He should want my company.

When it's eventually time to go home, she asks me to come home again sometime soon. I tell her that I will always come home, that I will go inside and sort out when I can come right away.
"I love you." She told me as she left me. I love her too, so much, and this was such a lovely way to spend the day.

I walk into the lift and feel excited to tell Adam about Mom's invitation to stay with her.

I open the door and see that he's sitting at the table with a bottle in his hand.
"Hey!" I say to him with a smile, "I had the nicest time with my Mom. She's invited us-"
"Why were you gone for so long?" He asks, looking me dead in the eyes. "I thought that we agreed you could see her for an hour. We had plans."
Did we? I didn't remember that, surely I'd remember.
"It's been four hours, twenty-nine minutes and... fifteen seconds." His voice is bitter. It's cold and dark. Was that really how long I'd been with her? Had he really been counting?
"I'm sorry. I got a bit carried away, I haven't seen her in so long. But while we were out, I saw this and thought of you-"
"When you say that you're going out, fucking stick to the time frame." He's never really been this angry before. I can feel it radiating off of him, feeling it simmering away. He gets up from the chair, and I put my bags down, taking off my coat.
"I'm really sorry," I tell him, trying desperately to get him to calm down. "I'll be better next time."
"You think that because you're Taylor fucking Swift, you're better than everyone else." He slurs. The words sting. Every inch of happiness that I felt was slipping out of my grasp. "Well, you're not."
"If you're so mad with me, then fucking leave." I huff at him, pushing past him, wanting to get away from his rage.
"Hey, come back." He calls after me, but I don't turn back. "Baby, come back."

He follows after me, grabbing my wrist and pulling me into his chest. I'm pinned against the wall and him.
His hands begin to wander and I fight back, trying to get him to stop. "Adam- What are you doing- stop- please. I don't want to do this."
"You're not better than everyone because you're Taylor Swift." His hands won't stop it, even when I try to push him away, when I cry out for him to stop, he just puts a hand over my mouth. I'm hysterical, sobbing and trying to get away, but his arms pin me in place. I can't breathe - it feels as if my chest is on fire and the pain of it all is-

1 (jaylor) wisteria hearts and caged folk songsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن