Nanase x Reader Drabble

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EVENT: 2020 Ficmas Day 6

WARNINGS: None ;))





STATUS: Only on Wattpad for now

NOTES: I'm so sorry this is SO LATEEEEE I can't believe I'm so behind schedule but I hope I'll have at least one more fic out tonight but it's already 2 am so no promises ToT!!


You let out a sigh as you stand around the main doors of the school to head home. This wasn't anything new, in fact, you did it every single day. You'd spend the longest time in front of the main doors, wasting time checking your phone or bundling yourself up again, all because you didn't want to step outside into the cold. The way your body would tense up, the way it felt like the cold was sucking away all of your energy and warmth, the way your ears would start to hurt from how cold they were after a while, no matter how many winters you'd experienced, there was no way you'd get used to any of it.

Simply put, you hated the cold.

And so just like any other day, you stood around the main doors, checking your phone for probably the 9th time, trying to look for any excuse at all to not have to head outside.

"(Y/n)," a sweet voice you loved so very much called your name from behind you.

"Nijiro!" you said even before you saw him and turned around.

He looked at you and sighed, "Are you standing around? Again? I saw you doing it yesterday and the day before and the day before that."

"Um.... yes I may or may not do this every day...." you said, looking away, a little sheepishly.

"Okay, let's go," Nanase said and grabbed your hand to pull you outside. That surprised you a little but you weren't complaining, not at all.

"Wait, don't you have practice?" you asked him and he smiled happily.

"Not today!" he said.

It only took you a second to realize that today felt a lot warmer than other days. Maybe it was the fact that there wasn't any snow on the ground but it felt more like a cold fall day than one in the middle of December.

"Today's rather warm isn't it?" you said to him happily.

"Hmm, I'm not too sure because it's always late at night and freezing by the time practice ends but yeah, it's definitely warmer than what I'm used to!" he replied. "It wasn't that bad, was it? To step outside?"

"Ahahaha yeah,"

"I'm so glad we can finally walk home together," he said. "Sorry I always have practice..."

"Oh, don't worry, it's totally fine," you told him. "I just hope you're not overworking yourself..."

"Don't worry about me, I'm okay," he said and you smiled in response.

The two of you stopped talking for a little bit and small ambient sounds started to become a lot more clear— the sound of your shoes against the wet leaves on the ground, the sound of the wind blowing away the very last leaves that were still stuck on the trees, the sound of people breathing out to see the white puffs of their breath.

"It's going to get colder," you said and Nanase nodded in response.

"That's for sure,"

As you walk for a little bit more in silence, he suddenly took your hand and held it. He looked at you for a split second, probably trying to find out if you're okay with it and you smiled as you gripped his hand back.

"Wait!" he said and looked right back at you again. "Your hand's so cold!"

"No, it's not, your hand's just really warm," you laughed.

"No, it is not, your hand's just freezing," he said. "You said you were feeling warmer today so I believed you..."

He shoved his hands into his pockets and found his mittens. "They're probably a little large on your hands but I think they'll be better than nothing."

That made you so happy but you kindly declined the offer, "No, it's fine. I'd rather hold your hand."

The cutest blush covered his cheeks and he quickly put away his mittens. Without a single word, he took your hand again and the two of you chuckled a little.

And that was when you noticed that it wasn't a warm day today— in fact, it was probably a little colder than most days but you felt so warm because of the happiness that he radiated. Your heart felt so much warmer when he was around you.

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