The Princess

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Colette opened the servant door, wondering who would be coming in through it. No one ever actually came in through the tiny door by Colette's bedroom. Of course, normally she wasn't by the door at any time of day, but today was warm and the chickens were very cooperative, so it had taken almost no time at all to feed them. She was reading a book about the anatomy of chickens that the princess had let her sneak from the library. She understood Colette's love of animals. She opened the door and was surprised to see the princess herself.
"Colette! I was hoping you would be here. I wanted to come in faster, and it is such a pain to go in through the drawbridge. You know what I mean. Hey, James, could you take Daisy to the stables? When Papa calls, it is always a good idea to go to him as fast as possible. "
"Of course," said James respectfully.
Colette closed the door behind Lily and listened to her talking very quickly about the sea and the newest horses in the stables. Colette had never realized how fast she talked when she was excited. Then she laughed a short, quick laugh, like a dolphin's. Then she stopped. She was looking at the large golden doors rising up in front of her. "Alright. Here goes. Would you mind waiting outside for me?"
"Of course!" said Colette, surprised and excited.
And she walked inside.

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