Chapter 4 - Lucius. Oh, Lucius.

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PLEASE tell me who created this lovely piece of fan art if you know so I can give credit

September 20, 1983

Snape's POV

"Alright. Recite the emergency plan again," Severus directed. 

He and Harry were in the common room along with all the Slytherin students. It had been nearly two years since Severus Snape had become the guardian to the one and only, Harry Potter. Oh, Merlin, muggles aren't lying when they say 'terrible two's and treacherous three's'. So far, he had endured almost two whole months of 'treacherous threes' and he can say, that's enough to last him a lifetime. 

The professor was filling everyone in on every detail they would need to know about Harry. The toddler was going to be staying with them for the first part of the day and early afternoon while Severus met Lucius Malfoy in his quarters. Since the new school year started, only Minerva, Pomona, Poppy, Irma, Albus, Filius, and even Sybil had assisted with Harry when Severus could not. Not only was he quite the master of hiding in the castle, he learned how to mess with students potions, sneak into other classes, not to mention using the moving staircases-which, sent Severus into a full-on panic attack-.  

Harry had already made friends with third-year Bill Weasley and second-year Charlie Weasley. Although Severus would've preferred Harry steered clear of the Gryffindor's, he couldn't deny the fact that as Harry's father and mother were both Gryffindor's, the chances of Harry also becoming one also was very high. He refused to let himself lose hope though. The little rambunctious child still had eight years before attending Hogwarts and Severus knew a lot could happen in eight years. 

"Sir, not to be rude or anything but we've recited all the possible outcomes for the past hour and if I'm correct, Lord Malfoy was scheduled to arrive ten minutes ago," said a short brown-haired girl, softly, but confidently. All eyes flickered to the girl for a moment before returning to their Head of House, waiting for a response. 

"Yes, You are correct miss. However, in case it has slipped your notice, Harry is expected to be in Gryffindor, which we can't allow to happen. I expect you all to steer clear of all of those brick-headed morons to reduce the chances of Harry actually wanting to be one. However, you need to be mature enough for Harry to look up to you. As for Lucius, you are mistaken, he is expected in 20 minutes," Severus said, hurriedly trying to explain everything. 

Harry started to approach Severus to say his goodbyes. A few weeks prior, The Professor had to take his 'son' to Poppy to get the little boy's eyes checked. It turned out that he needed glasses after all, and although it took some getting used to, now, it's hard to picture him without them. Harry's green eyes only grew brighter as he grew and his hair messier and messier. 

"Now Harry, remember what I told you about treating others as they deserve to be treated," he instructed, leaning forward and gently grabbing the small hands, to talk to his son. 

"As for them," Severus said, gesturing towards the group of Slytherins gathered around the pair. "Be sure to do as they say, not what they do, and," he paused, hesitating. "try not to cause too much mischief," he finished, giving the toddler a pleading smile. 

"I'll try not to daddy," Harry promised, drawing out the 'try'. The green eyes found the black ones and the two smiled at each other. The older man straightened his back and released the small hand, turning towards his Slytherin's. 

"Mr. Mellocks, could I have a quick word?" he asked, although everyone knew it wasn't a question. Jason nodded his head and signaled towards the portrait hole and exited the packed common room, followed by Severus.  

"I plan on taking Harry to Diagon Alley tomorrow to meet Lord Malfoy's son. Do let me know how he acts today. He's been rather quiet lately around people," Severus said, once the portrait was shut closed. 

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