Chapter 7: Who Is What Now?

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- "Dream, what did you do to get a bounty? Why did you run from home?" Jschlatt asked the trembling Dream.

Dream's trembling worsened and he squeezed Jschlatt's hands.

"I stole for about ten years against my will for my step-father. Six months ago was about when I managed escape. He.... He hurt me... for fourteen years." Dream cried trembling as Jschlatt hugged him.

"I was his.... punching bag. He kept me...... barely alive. I was always on chains when I was not needed. Blamed my mother running away on me." He continued as Jschlatt tucked Dream's head into his chest.

Dream started to break down half way before gathering himself together.

"He did not like that I ran and made up stories. Made me like a monster. Soon he placed a bounty on my head. He wanted me alive." Dream said.

Dream was shaking in Jschlatt's arms. Tears ran down his face as he slowly lifted his shirt to show the scars and marks left by his step-father. Jschlatt definitely saw the abuse now. He was so concerned that one of the hunters would come see what he was doing and see Dream's clothes and try to attack him. Once Dream pulled the shirt back down he carefully lifted a trembling hand to his neck to grab the chain collar. When he felt it gone he felt tears well more in his eyes and his chest tightened. He was pulled into Jschlatt's chest and that was all he needed for fourteen years of pure pain and suffering wailed through the whole cabin.

- Jschlatt held Dream tight as he broke down. Dream sobbed and wailed sorrowfully into Jschlatt's chest as he held the small child. This continued for a hour or two before Dream passed out from emotional drain. Jschlatt carefully carried the sleeping child into the bedroom before tucking him in. Jschlatt looked to the chain collar that laid on the nightstand. Dream looked so relieved that the damn thing was off his neck. He heard a soft knock on the door and he quietly left the bedroom. He opened the door to find the demon blood named Bad.

"Hello Bad, come in." Jschlatt greeted.

Bad thanked him and the two went to sit down. When Jschlatt offered him a drink Bad politely refused. They both sat down in the seating area.

"What brings you here so early?" Jschlatt asked Bad.

"I heard sobbing and crying. I also thought about what you said and I was made fun of when I was younger. Something tells me tho that you know what it's like to be chased for something you can't control. The ram horns give a bit of a hint." Bad informed Jschlatt.

"Yes I do know how it felt to be chased. I was chased away from my family when my wife was pregnant with my child. I am one of the last of my kind as well as you are of your own." Jschlatt stated looking Bad in the eyes.

"You are a shapeshifter, are you not? You are a fullblood that got the recessive gene of showing an animal trait." Bad stated towards Jschlatt.

"Yes. Clay needs me now. His parent. Well his step-father abused and used him. Bad. Clay is your prey. The bounty you are after. Whatever name he goes by for the bounty was just a cover up his step-father made to get his slave back. Clay's mother ran from his step-father when he was younger. Clay only has done what was needed for him to survive." Jschlatt said seriously.

"That crying earlier?" Bad asked.

"That was Clay. He let out fourteen years of suffering because I was there to listen and show him safety. For the first time in fourteen years he felt safe and protected. I was willing to take care of him in his time of need. He is sleeping after the emotional drain it caused." Jschlatt told bad.

"I am telling you this because if you or the others come after Clay for something he never did, I am willing to kill. He is only sixteen and has seen and felt things adults even should not." Jschlatt threatened.

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