Chapter 21

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Hyunwoo went to the mall that afternoon as Seokwoo informed him that she's hanging around there. He carefully walked into one of the shops as he flinched upon feeling someone touching his shoulder.

He turned around and was faced with Hyeyoon. She furrowed her eyebrows and studied his face. "You're her friend aren't you?" Hyunwoo nodded his head eagerly as she sighed.

"Can you tell me where I can find her? I need to confess something." Hyunwoo got confused as it's his turn to question her.

"Why would you want to meet her? You can tell me and I'll tell her later. I'm her friend as you know." Hyeyoon shook her head, denying his offer.

"I need to see her in person, please. This is personal." Hyunwoo was hesitant to call Y/n over as she's currently in Busan, far away from Seoul.

"She's in Busan now. You should just tell me. I don't even know when you can see her." Hyeyoon sighed and rubbed her temple. She nodded her head and looked at him.

"I need to explain about me and Seokwoo. He's actually used to be one of my friends and I'm not that kind of girl that do those things."

"Somehow that night, I broke up with my boyfriend and I called all of my friends for help but only he came. I came to realise that I'm in love with him that day. I kept it in for years since he already has a girlfriend."

"But, one day they got into a fight and Seokwoo came to me. He shared his problems and ranted on and on about how he regretted falling in love with her. I saw it as a chance and took advantage of it." Hyunwoo raised an eyebrow, questioning of her point. Hyeyoon noticed that and chuckled.

"You see, I wanted to tell her so bad that non of this is her fault and Seokwoo's. It's mine. I came in between of their relationship and I wanted to apologise for what I did." Hyunwoo nodded his head, showing that he's listening to her.

"Why now? Out of all those years, why are you apologising now?" Hyeyoon bit her lip and looked down, feeling more guilty.

"I've tried to find her but I can't seem to see her anyway. That explains after you told me that she left to Busan. It's not too late yet, right?"

Hyunwoo shook his head and rubbed his nape as he's not the best in comforting people. He looked around searching if there's anyone spying on them or not and turned his attention back at Hyeyoon.

"I'm sure she had forgive you for your mistakes and besides life goes on. She's doing well now and you should too. She had found her happiness." Hyeyoon raised her head and grinned lightly at Hyunwoo.

"I hope she will live happily."

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