1. Sparks and Starts

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"Mama.. are monsters real?.." asked the little boy, the mother stopped at the doorstep, not looking at her child, she ignored his question and clicked the light switch off and closed the door, while the child kept trembling in his bed. he heard a sound under his bed, didn't know what to do. He pulled the blanket over his head and told himself "it's not real, nothing's real, there's no sound under my bed, it's not real" and removed the blanket slowly from over his head, and looked around. he gulped and looked under his bed, nothing, as expected, he sighed and relaxed on his bed and started falling asleep...

Butterfly... someone whispered, the child jumped up from the frightening feeling crawling up his neck, looking around, heavily breathing. he started biting his nails, trying to keep quiet and know what is going on, he started rubbing his arms from the cold weather and his mouth shivered..

suddenly, a cat was thrown on his window, leaving a bloody print on it, the kid screamed for his mother, in the other room she was sleeping soundly,

the kid gulped and was still heavy breathing, sweat dripped down his forehead, slowly, he walked towards the window to look, leaning from afar to see

someone.. was hovering over the cat's suffering body, standing still, looking down at it, it didn't know the kid was watching, didn't feel him, nor heard him, it only looked at the cat's body, seeing the life spark out of it, the kid stood still nervously, trying to not cry at the cat's last shivering and whimpers, the person squatted down slowly over the cat, the cat was bloody, heavily breathing, suddenly the person held it up and pulled the tail and head of the cat, the cat cut in half over the person, while he/she enjoyed the taste of blood dripping on them licking all of it, the kid teared up in horror, crying at the terrifying sight, the person slightly looked at the window, the kid realized and fell on the ground and ran to the living room,

he grabbed the telephone and dialed the cops, "h-hello? there's s-someone *gulp* s-someone.. outside e-eating a c-cat, please s-send help, h-he's so s-scary and mom is sleeping i-inside h-her room, please send h-help" after he ended the call he ran to his room again, looking at the same place he saw the sight, no ne was there, except the cat's head and blood trails..


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2021 ⏰

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