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I nearly suffocated from the amount of questions spilling from my mouth. What destiny? What did you do? Busy with what? What future?

Davis's shoulders shook with a mute chortle. "Forgive me," He paused to cover his smile. "You're so different; it takes me by surprise each time."

"Shut up, you know nothing about me." My words dripped with spite. A plan began to form in my mind. Once he brought me to my mom we were leaving.

He sobered under my glare. The silence distanced our already fragile link to one another. I would never forgive him for leaving my mom like that. My mother never directly spoke ill of Davis, but she always blamed any fault I had on him. I learned to separate any unfavorable qualities and box them in with him. He was the reason I strived to follow so closely in my mother's footsteps, because anything unlike her was more like him.

"I may not have been there for you in person," Davis lifted a single finger to tap his temple. "-but I was there for you in my head. I always kept a close watch on you and your mom." He mistook my silence as a green light to keep going. My arms wrapped tightly around my chest, any comfort was better than his lies. Out of the corner of my eye I caught his hands tightening against the wheel. "The intruder that didn't have a chance to break in."

"A cop lives down the street from us." Although I hadn't known that fact until today, it was still a valid argument.

His lips twitched in amusement at my childish attitude. "Yes, but it takes twenty minutes for the police to get to your house. If an anonymous call hadn't been placed before, the locket heirloom your mother cherishes so much would've been stolen." The locket was the one thing her parents let her leave with, her only connection to her family. She would've been devastated. I returned to glaring out the window, we were close to the edge of town. An ambulance was parked under the arch. Two paramedics were helping the woman from before into the back. I sighed with relief; she was alive which hopefully meant Michael would be too.

"She'll be rested and back to herself by tomorrow." His words weren't comforting. Nash was driving back now from wherever he had gone, maybe only a few hours away. If Michael wouldn't wake up until tomorrow he was useless to stop Nash from doing something rash. Would Nash believe Amber if she told him Davis had taken me? In my haste I hadn't written anything about Davis in the note. I had only warned him about Seth.

Davis broke my train of thought. "-not right." He muttered under his breath.

Alarm widened my eyes. "What's not right?"

"You." Davis simple stated with a shrug.

Me? I was the only right thing in this situation! My teeth ground together audibly. No, Jessica, he's not worth it. With effort, my shoulders eventually relaxed and my jaw flexed with less force. "How am I not right?" I knew I shouldn't have asked but as they say, curiosity killed the half-breed.

Davis's lips puckered to the side and his forehead creased in speculation. I seethed. That was my face! How dare he make my expression! The idea of him actually being my father hit hard. My hand absentmindedly massaged my roiling belly. So this was what my mother felt when she looked at me. Davis and I were similar enough physically that I realized all these years I was inadvertently causing my mother pain. I was the reason she was kicked out, my grandparents would've forgiven her if she weren't pregnant. I'm sure it was like a slap in the face for my appearance to resemble the very man who pulled a hit it and ditch routine.

"My visions have evolved into seeing double over time. The two options in life, take the red or blue pill. Back at the house you were supposed to choose from the two ways to warn Nash, yet you chose a third. This car ride I expected and prepared for you to either except me grudgingly or be passed out in the backseat." A silent death threat pierced my gaze. His had blocked it in a placating fashion. "I know, I know. In my defense you stab me with a pen in that reality."

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