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⚠️Trigger Warnings: Death, sadness⚠️
Characters: Gilbert Beilschmidt (Prussia), Luther Beilschmidt (HRE)
Word Count: 610 words
(A/N: First off, I would like to say that the song this is based off of (aka, the one Gilbert is singing) is called So Will I by Ben Platt. Second, I headcanon HRE to be his own person. However, his body was given to Germany since HRE was already dead)

“The sky will still be up there”

Pale fingers plucked absentmindedly at the strings of the guitar resting on his lap. Blue eyes looked up at him, half lidded, as he sang, his usually rough voice smoothed out in a tune the small german had heard a thousand times. Tears pricked at blood-red eyes yet his voice managed to keep back the choke that wanted to jump to his throat.

“And the sun will always shine”

Luther allowed his eyes to close, focusing solely on the tune leaving his older brother’s lips. He felt too weak to keep them open anyway. The feeling of everything leaving him was terrifying. Tears began to spill over his cheeks as well. He could hear the soft patter of Gilbert’s tears hitting the bed.

“The stars will keep on falling for the ones who wish at night”

He thought back to the times Gilbert would take him outside after the sun would set. He would point out the streaks shooting stars would make in the sky while telling him to make a wish. The albino always seemed to know what he would wish for because it would always happen within the next few days. A small smile pulled at his lips as he thought about it.

“The mountains won’t start moving”

A small, trembling hand reached out for his brother, seeking comfort in that strong, sure hold. He heard Gilbert set his guitar on the floor, taking his frail hand in his firm, comforting hold. Lips pressed softly against the German’s knuckles and the little blonde boy choked out a scared sob. It was getting hard to breath and he knew that this would be his last day. He was dying.

“The rivers won’t run dry”

Gilbert’s voice cracked with emotion. He could see his little brother slipping away, pain showing easily on his little face. It broke his heart, knowing there was nothing he could do to help him. He had spent countless hours caring for the little blonde and here he was, tears of pain running down pale, sickly cheeks as breaths rattled in his small chest.

“The world will always be there”

The albino’s voice trembled, forcing back sobs of anguish as he watched his brother dying in his arms. A deep ache settled into his chest, pulling at his heart and shattering his soul. His lips moved shakily against his little brother’s hand, hating the choked out cries of pain hitting his ears.

“And so will I”

He knew the boy wouldn’t be able to hold on for long. It was almost better when the sounds stopped, leaving him in the silence of his own gasping sobs. Tears blurred his vision more than they had and he reached a trembling hand to touch his little brother’s face. The boy who filled his life with so much joy was laying beside him on the bed, unmoving. Not even a breath stirred in his chest. This was what finally broke him. A long scream filled the room, overflowing with sorrow, loss, anguish, all the pain in his shaking body. His head fell down against Luther’s chest, holding him close and sobbing into him. He cried out again, wrapping his arms around the limb body. He brushed the bangs out of his closed eyes, placing a trembling kiss to his forehead. He laid down beside him, holding him tenderly as his breathing continued to hitch with sobs. It didn’t take too long for his tears to wipe out his energy, allowing him to drift off with streaks down his cheeks, his throat sore from screaming, and his limb brother still in his arms.

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