Chapter 17

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-Meanwhile at Nightmare's castle-

Cross's POV

I was talking with Chara, we were at my room, just next to Dust's room. We were talking about Dream and started guessing who his brother is.

"I think it would be (some monster I don't know that is apart of the gang) " Chara suggested

Now that I think about it...
Dream seems to know boss...

"W-why do I feel like I should know you?"

"Because you DO know me..."

Just maybe...
Nightmare is his brother...


"What!" I asked

"You were still staring blankly at the wall how an hour!" Chara said

"Sorry about that, I was thinking..." I said

"Thinking of what?" Chara asked

"I'm thinking that Nightmare might be  Dream's brother" I said

"Why?" Chara asked stupidly

"Because from Dream and Nightmare's conversation, Nightmare asked Dream why he for some reason knows him from somewhere and Dream said that he does know him!" I explained

"That is pretty accurate!" Chara said excitedly

"Yeah I know and Dream said that his brother was in the castle and that means that his brother is one of us and you said that Dream's brother forgot about him" I said

"And Nightmare felt like he knows him!" I said explaining more

"So that means Nightmare's brother is Dream!" Me and Chara said at the same time

-End of POV-

-Meanwhile at the multiversal manor-

Dream's POV

I was with Shattered and Solar just talking and also feeling bored. You see Solar only acts like this when he's at a private place where no one besides someone who REALLY knows him, like us. Solar will act like some 'serious business man' when in public or when someone who doesn't REALLY knows him. Though it's been a year and a half since he ran away from his multiverse.


Solar's POV

I was acting again, saying that I need do this,that but all of that is not true.

I say that they(the meme squad) are bad and we hunt them down but for some reason they ALWAYS get away.
Before that I'm going to be mostly bored or stressed out. Right now we are trying to capture them.

"Surrender now!" I shouted

"Never!" Nightmare said

We continued fighting for awhile, two of them were down while Nightmare was still standing ,untill he said something....

"I hate you! I wish you were never my brother!" Nightmare shouted while holding Cross

I was speechless, I felt tears coming from my eyes/eye sockets.

After he said that I began to run to my private place where no one knows of besides me and the others (Dreams).
They all followed me there and there I saw the portal to the multiversal manor and I quickly ran to it.

"Wait, Dream!" Nightmare yelled

"I'm sorry Nightmare..." I said sadly but I still smiled


I went in the portal and suddenly it went white.

-End of Flashback-

Ever since that faithful day, he never ones went back to his multiverse.

-End of POV-

So I really wanted a DS!Dream angst plus it's rare finding a DS!Dream angst in Wattpad and google, and it's really hard to find it in YouTube sometimes.
So I decided to do a DS!Dream angst flashback. I know it's not really an angst but it kinda looks like it for me though.


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