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Don't pluck people's hearts
they're not an instrument
for you to play

There's beauty in music
but who are you to say
that one isn't tuned
right for your ear
maybe it's not them
that has to play for you
the things you wish to hear

Songs flow through strings
wafting through hallways
and there's a gentleness
in them
that calls to the soul

A beat
can make a heart dance
in one of its favorite rhythms

A lyric can make rain fall
from a lovely eye
with a bittersweet smile

A hush of a break
can catch the breath
in a throat
to start up again
eliciting a sigh
in unprepared relief

And love can take us higher
than the feeling of
to our favorite song

A feeling of ecstacy
only released with a whisper
of an untuned ear
if not said just right

Maybe we aren't listening
to the music
as a smile slides across a face
smoothe as a finger on piano keys

Or the twinkle in an eye
that chimes louder than a bell

The songs of our hearts are strong
leaping at the chance of
something exciting

A voice can calm an uneasy mind

A single note
breathing life into a helpless child

We are creating
and expressing ourselves
in the most romantic way

Never tell anyone to pause
just because they aren't to your taste

Don't pull someones heartstrings
just to see what sound they'd make


A/N: A bit random even for me, but I figured I'd share because I haven't posted in a while and I've been feeling uninspired lately. I don't mind this and who knows maybe someone will like it, it just feels...off. I might edit this later, who knows. Maybe it's because I've been overly critical about everything I've done creatively as of late, but either way interpret it as you wish haha. Finals are a couple weeks away and so I will be catching up and studying my ass off. Hopefully when the semester is over I can breathe and come back to my roots (here). Maybe I'll come up with another poem, but I dont think I'll be posting until January to make sure I pass everything on time, I'm exhausted and honestly I'd rather be back on here, but duty calls ;)
Until then.

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