Eleanor of Ashes | Prologue

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Eleanor of Ashes

Draco Malfoy Love Story

            Rain fell upon a darkening graveyard, sliding off the black umbrella of a dashing young man. In his arms was a little boy who couldn’t have been much older than two, his features strikingly close to his fathers. Both wore black.

“Mumma?” the little boy asked, his grey eyes wide as he clutched his father’s collar.

The man shook his head “I’m sorry Scorpius; Mumma…Mumma isn’t coming anymore.”

The boy’s eyes filled with tears and he whimpered; resting his head against the man’s chest, he said in a small voice “I want Mumma.”

The man looked as if he were going to fall to his knees, and his own grey eyes filled with tears as he stared steadily at the extravagant grave stone at his feet “I know son, I know.”

As the rain beat down, Draco Malfoy walked away, his son held tightly in his arms.

            Firelight hit Draco Malfoy\s handsome face, accenting the angles and hollows; grieving suited him, as did pain. Though all Draco wanted was to be alone, his mother refused to acknowledge his no longer subtle hints.

“Draco, this is becoming unhealthy.” Narcissa Malfoy said, her own features bathed in firelight. “It’s been two months. You should go back to work, start living again-I’ll look after little Scorpius.”

“Mother, you’ve never looked after a child a day in your life.”

“That is not one bit true, Draco Malfoy!” Narcissa said haughtily “I looked after you-”

“You never lifted a finger to care for me,” Draco said coolly “Penny changed very diaper, sang every lullaby and you kicked her out as if she’d never done a thing for this family-”

“Be quiet!” hissed Narcissa “She was filthy and a thief; she deserved to be thrown out on the streets!”

“I told you a million times that I gave her that bracelet, and instead of believing me you caused the death of the only person who truly cared for me. So no, Mother, I will not let you care for my son.”

“Fine then,” at the snap of her fingers, a house elf brought her a dark cloak. Putting it on, Narcissa turned back for a moment and looked at her son “I’m sorry that you are hurting, Draco-but life goes on, and so should you.”

When the sound of his mother’s heels could no longer be heard, Draco felt the tense set of his back dissolve. Sitting back in his chair, he stared into the fire and wondered what he was to do; his sick leave would be up soon, and he had only a month left if he wanted to take care of Scorpius himself. It’s not that he needed to work exactly, more that it was something to do all day.

Now what to do with his son was a different question.

Scorpius was only a few months past his second birthday, still a baby in the eyes of the world and Draco himself-Astoria and his baby. Though they had despised each other in the beginning of their arranged marriage, the two had settled into a sort of comfortable friendship; and the absence of her presence was like a gaping hole in Draco’s heart.

Draco didn’t know if he’d loved Astoria exactly. Yes he found her attractive and kind, able to make him smile and laugh; their relationship had never been much more than stability and carrying on the heir, a life long companionship. However ‘til death do us part’ had come upon them much quicker than either had anticipated.

His mothers words were like a brome record in Draco’s mind as he sat, mulling over the ruins that was his life.

“She was filthy and a thief; she deserved to be thrown out on the streets!”

“I’m sorry that you are hurting, Draco-but life goes on, and so should you.”

Penelope, or Penny, Follow had been Draco’s nanny his entire life. She had sung him to sleep every night, even when he argued he was too old-she had made him lunch and taught him how to read and spell his name. Draco used to dream that Penny was his mother, with her coppery curls and freckles and dark eyes that were always laughing.

He remembered being nine years old, and knowing it was Penny’s birthday, wanted to give her something. Draco knew his mother had lots of jewellery she didn’t wear, so didn’t think she’d mind if he gave one to Penny. So he took a simple little silver chain that Narcissa had never worn and given it to Penny. She had loved it, put it on immediately-and worn it the next day.

Narcissa had gone into a rage, not believing a word either said. It wasn’t even an expensive bracelet, but Narcissa had always been looking for reasons to dislike Penny-she hated that Draco loved Penny more than her.

“Get out!” she’d screeched, pulling Draco to her; her grip was so firm that Draco cried out.

“Mrs. Malfoy, please, you’re scaring him!” Penny had pleaded; she had reached for Draco, and he’d screamed for her.

“Get out before I kill you, you thief!”

Penny had been gone by the next morning, but she had come into Draco’s room to say goodbye. She’d promised him she’d try and come back, be there for Christmas in a few weeks.

But Penny never returned, and Draco let his heart harden.

An idea struck Draco then, and he grabbed a quill and ink. Scribbling a quick note, he called for a house elf.

“Pinkie, send this to the Prophet, please.”

“Yes master Malfoy,” squeaked the house elf.

With his note sent, Draco hoped he could find a Penny for his son-and if Scorpius loved her, then Draco would never send her away.

            On the outskirts of London was a small train station, just a small raised platform and a ticket booth with a little alcove to keep out of the rain. Sitting on a bench was a young woman reading a news paper, her blue green eyes jumping from word to word with almost no interest. Then her eyes sparked with curiosity, and she took out a pen and circled it.

Standing, she walked over to the ticket booth and smiled at the cashier; he blinked for a moment, surprised to see someone in front of him. “Excuse me,” she said pleasantly “How much is a ticket to Wiltshire?”

“Wiltshire?” asked the man; his eyes were travelling over the woman’s face. She was very pretty, with long ash blonde hair with bangs and blue green eyes, full pink lips and long, dark lashes.

“Yes, Wiltshire.”

“Oh, er, that will be thirty pounds please, miss.”

She smiled kindly at him and took a hundred pound note out of her wallet “Thank you, the soonest one possible please.”

The man nodded and handed her the ticket; with a nod she went to sit on the bench once again. When the train later pulled into the station, she walked through the rain and got on; she had no luggage, only a purse and an umbrella.

What’s a pretty lassie like her doing in Wiltshire?’ the cashier thought glumly as he returned to his work.

As rain continued to pour from the sky, the young woman sped towards Wiltshire, sights set on a job working for Draco Malfoy.

A/N: The second story that I will be writing in 2013!

Question: What...wait for it...do you think?


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