Anthony and the new turtle

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         Anthony looked down so I walked back to the fucking pet store and got him a new turtle. When I got back to his house he was still upset. I showed him the turtle. He did nothing. So I said " WHAT THE FUCK, I GO DOWN TO THE FUCKING PET STORE TO GET YOU ANOTHER FUCKING TURTLE AND YOU DO NOTHING." He grabbed the turtle and he started to cry and I was about to say sorry and pat him on the shoulder and he flipped out on me and said " THE FUCK GET AWAY FROM ME." " YOU THOUGHT THAT I WOULD BE FINE AFTER YOU GET ME ANOTHER FUCKING TURTLE." " YOU THINK THAT GETTING ME TURTLES WILL MAKE ME HAPPY, THEN YOU ARE WRONG BECAUSE I DON'T NEED A STUPID TURTLE TO FEEL BETTER." I say sorry and he was going to throw the turtle but I grabbed it out of his hand.

        I left running from his house becuase all I could hear from that house was now crying and screaming. I wonder what had happed. Did I do something wrong. I thought back at the turtle. I looked at the turtle and said " You fucking turtle you started this." The turtle hide his head in his shell. I thought that if Anthony wasn't going to take someone had to take care of it so I guess that would have to be me. Sarting off with naming it so I named it Anthony. I said " Let's go Anthony."

       I took care of the turtle for about 2 weeks before Anthony would talk to me. He asked me "Can I have the turtle." I told him " Well you kinda flipped out soooooooo." then he told me" I'm sorry I will never do that again it is just hard that now I got a turtle and it died then I get a new one so- blah blah blah blah blah blah blah bah blah blah blah blah." and all that stuff. I told him " It was ok because I flip out on him so many times as well so I guess we were even. He told me "No." and I said "what." he told me "That he needed the turtle and that he would take care of it." I gave him the tutle after school when he went to my fucking small look alike to a shack house. My house was tan with tiny ass windows and a huge fucking door. Some times I would go sleep in the garage becuase I swear that it was bigger and better that mt house and then I thought to myself, we should just live in the garage and then I thougth Anthony and he was staring at me so I went to my room got the turtle and then he was about out of my room before I told him that the turtles name was Anthony he told me that he liked that name.

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