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Have you ever heard about teenage love? Or Love Triangle? Where two lovers will fall for each other, but unfortunately one will rush for their relationship as being a country boy. So WARNING: If you are in a relationship and trying to rush it, don't, just read it and you will now what your outcome is going to be.

                   Thanksgiving Day

It is the Thanksgiving Day, the day all North Americans for the blessings of the harvest and of the preceding year, James is in his room playing "Doom Eternals", started shouting "I am going to win!".After sometime he lost, and feeling frustrated he let out a loud sigh. James sadly saying "I can never win from those bastards", a teen pain in his voice.
He then remembers that he is going to attend a party. He calls Betty, his Bff forever, after some rings Betty responds
Betty: "Hey!! "
James: "Are you going to the party?"
Betty: "Have you ever see me miss a party? "
James: "Well, I can't understand what to wear. Will you choose please? "
Betty: "Sure baby boy. I am coming to your house."
James: "That's great, then we can go to the party together."
              *They hang up the call*
James opens his wardrobe and picks *A simple denim with a black t-shirt*, *A Black leather jacket with a black ripped jeans*, and *A simple blue suit*.
James keeping his choices in the right position on his bed, then
                         *Bell Rings*
James looks from his window and shouts
James: "Coming!! Wait."
He rush down from the stairs and reaches to open the door
              *James opens the door*
James sees Betty wearing a small pink gown with a matching corset fitting her perfect body.
James: "Woah!!! You are looking different."
Betty: "What?"
James: "yeah, I mean... You don't dress up like this everytime."
Betty: *in a nervous voice* "Am I looking bad?"
James: *in a low voice but audible to Betty*"yeah"
                *Betty pushes James*
Betty: *with a coldness in her voice*
"James... You are so mean... I made it on my own."
James: *with a smile in his face* "You are looking great, I was just joking."
Betty: *in a playful voice* "Now let's see your Versace collection. *and smirks*
James: *gives a irritating look as he didn't liked the joke* "whatever."
            *They both comes up in James's room*
Betty take a look at his clothes and put her palms on her lips to cover her laugh from behind James.
She takes a long breath and pushes James from her way and picks every choices of him.
Betty: "Try this one" *handing him the blue suit*
Without any words, James takes the suit and makes a sign which asks Betty to leave the room to let him change. Betty pats on James shoulder like one of his guy friend and left the room.
                  *After some time*
James gets out of the room wearing the blue suit, Betty turns around and looks James from head to toe and a word comes out from her mouth,
Betty: *in a surprise tone* "WOW! You looks so good James. Sure the girl is going to fall in the lakes for you"
James: *in a awe voice* "THANKS!"
   *They both gets out of the house*
Betty: "Where is Alex ( James's father) and Clara (James's mother)?"
James: "Oh, They are out of the town to see Aunt Jenna."
Betty: "When they will come back?"
James: "Thursday Morning."
*A car comes behind them and starts to honk to get their attention*
They both turns around and sees Chloe, another bff of Betty, and her boyfriend. Chloe opens her vintage car's window,
Chloe: "Hey!! get inside the car."
James: "No, we are okay"
Betty: *in a surprising voice* "It's a long road James, if we decide to walk we will reach their on Christmas evening."
Betty: "We are coming... Wait."
      *James let out a little sigh*
Both James and Betty got inside of the car.
Chloe: "Babe, play a music."
Dean: "Sure"
Dean starts the radio and Taylor Swift's Gorgeous starts to play and James starts to sing the lyrics of the song in a low voice.
Dean: "I didn't knew you were a Swiftie."
James: "Yeah, I like her songs. The way she tells the lyrics gets attention from everybody."
Chloe: "James you don't have to sing it to yourself. If you want to we can all sing."
James: "Let's do it."
Dean turns the volume up and they all starts to sing. After some time, they reaches the party. All of them gets out of the car and looks at the decoration.
James: *in a shocking tone* "I never saw this party to go in such a sprightly way till now."
Dean pats on James shoulder,
Dean: "Come on, buddy."
They all enters through the big gate and sees a huge table full of  mouth-watering and piquant foods. All four of them notices everyone dancing around and laggard boys doing the Drink Challenge. James and Betty both gives each other an uncomfortable face that they don't like the party, but Chloe grabs Betty's wrist and takes her to the girls who are having fun.
Jordan: "Hey man! Long time. Where were you? Last time I saw you at the school's basketball court."
Jordan: "Are you okay?"
James: "Yeah, I am totally fine. I was out of the town."
Jordan: "Ok, have fun. If you need anything just ask me."
James: "Well, that is going to be tough. I am not going to find you in this!"
Jordan: "Ok, I get it. I will be in the bar."
James: "Okay."
                    *Jordan departs*
James notices Eliot, his ex, with her boyfriend Michael, his long-time foe. He rolls his eyes and walks up to his boy squad.
Betty sits on the bench with the eminent girls and they all looks at her and starts to laugh and talk about her simple vintage dress and corset.
Mia: *laughing* "Did you again tried to make your own dress?"
Mia: "Trust me Betty, you are looking like my Grandma."
Luna: "Betty, do you talk like the grandmas in your house also?"
Ezlynn: *in a croaky voice* "Oh you girls, please stop I can't dress like you all always, cause everyone will still laugh at me... Hahahaha."
Ezlynn: "This is what Betty's thinking now."
They all bursts into laughter.
Laila: "Betty you should have come to me to ask for sone dresses. Or you also could have asked your half-boyfriend James to buy you a dress."
Tears starts to gather on her eyes and before more embarrassment she gets up and runs away from them towards the gate. James notices that and walks up to the gate and finds out Betty sitting on a rock under a tree. He walks up to him and finds out Betty crying.
James: *in a concerned way* "Hey, what's the matter?"
Betty looks up to him,
Betty: *with a intense pain in her voice* "Why they talks to me like that?
Fine, I am not hot and beautiful like them, but I still love all of them and I try to look good. It's not my fault if I don't look good. I don't like to do makeup and dress like them."
James: "Okay, now get up, cause I don't have insect repellent cream to save you."
She stands up with hiccups from crying.
James: *in a warm voice* "They all tells us so cause they are jealous of you and can't be as beautiful as you. So they wears pricey dresses and do makeups to look good. But when they espy you still looking gorgeous as always, they bullies you."
James: "This is the twenty fifth time I am saying you this."
James: " So the next time if I find you like this again, I am also going to bully you *in a high pitch voice like girls*"
They both laughs and James hugs Betty in a tender way.
Betty: "I don't want to go inside there again."
James: "Wanna go to the lakes?"
Betty nods.
James: "Let's go."
They reaches the the lakes which is both of their favourite places from when they met the first time.
They sat by the lakes, the moon's light reflecting on the water. James takes out a cardigan and put it over Betty's shoulders.
Betty: "From where you get this?"
James: "I knew I was going to shake but now it's someone else who is shaking."
James: "Good for me, I got my coat."
Betty: "Close your eyes, and listen and feel this environment. It always makes me feel good."
They both closes their eyes and starts to feel the tranquil environment of the lakes.
After sometime they opens their eyes on the ferocious shouting of Chloe.
James: "Coming."
They all gets inside of the car.
Dean: "Did something happened that I chloe and I missed?"
Betty: "What? No! eww!"
Chloe: "Why do you thinking that we are talking about that?"
Dean: "Yeah I saw you running towards the gate followed by James."
Betty: "I don't wanna talk about it."
Chloe: "Ok, leave it. Take us home."
The whole road was silent. Dean drops Betty and James in their respective houses.
James gets inside of his house, gets fresh as same as Betty. Betty gets inside her cozy warm blanket.
James: "I am falling for Betty."
Betty: "I think I am in love with James."
          - To be continued...

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 08, 2020 ⏰

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