Chapter 10

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Sophie's POV:

I stumbled downstairs (my ankle was killing me) with Keefe close behind.

Wylie was still in the living room, but all the others had gone upstairs to do their own thing.

He raised a hand in greeting. "All good?"

I nodded, and Keefe sheepishly ran a hand through his messy hair.

"Foster says we're making pancakes," he said, reminding me of what we went downstairs for.

Wylie tilted his head. "Those sound good. Are they like those brownies you made at the sleepover?"

"These are more spongy and bland, but you can put a bunch of different stuff on it," I described.

"As long as they don't taste like English biscuits," Keefe amended, "then I'm down. Let's get pancaking~"

I laughed and walked towards the kitchen. Keefe beat me there. 

"So, what do we need?" he said, opening the fridge and peering into it. 

I started listing ingredients. "Flour, eggs, butter, milk, sugar..."

"I don't think we have eggs or milk," Keefe said, rummaging around in the fridge. 

I walked over and looked inside the fridge. There weren't any fruit, milk, or vegetables. "Did you look in the fresh foods aisle when you went shopping?"

Keefe stared at me in bewilderment. "I thought the whole place was fresh food!"

I sighed, but a smile tugged at my lips. "I guess we're going shopping, then," I laughed. 

We walked along the streets occasionally pointing out interesting things, but most of the time we just strolled in comfortable silence. 

It wasn't until I saw Percy that I paused. 

"Keefe," I said, nudging him. "Percy and Leo are following us."

He frowned. "That's weird."

I kept my eyes trained on the buildings in front of us, but I was fully aware of Percy and Leo trailing behind us. "What do you think they're doing?"

"Maybe they aren't following us?" Keefe suggested. 

I was about to respond when Leo yelled "Watch out!" and hurled a fireball towards me. I yelped and moved to the side, dragging Keefe with me. 

"Wh-" I started, then widened my eyes as I realized what Leo was aiming at: a huge humanoid figure with the head of a bull. Two horns sprouted from the creature's skull, and its eyes were bloodshot and red. 

The Minotaur.

Percy took out a ballpoint pen that extended into a sword and charged at the monster. At the last moment, he dropped down and slid between the Minotaur's legs, making the creature swipe where Percy was seconds before. 

While the Minotaur was swiping at Percy, Leo took a gallon of oil from a pouch at his waist that shouldn't have been able to fit in there and poured a loose circle around the Minotaur. 

My eyes widened as I realized what was going on and I pulled Keefe back a bit more just as Percy rolled out of the circle and Leo set fire to the oil, making a ring of flames flare up. 

I just wanted to buy some groceries...

Keefe made a small choking sound and I followed his gaze and almost cursed.

"You've got to be kidding me..." Keefe's voice trailed off as he progressively got paler. 

There stood Lady Gisela in all her glory, with no remnants of our last encounter. 

Aligned: A KOTLC and HoO crossover {SLOW-ISH UPDATES}Where stories live. Discover now