ABC - The Alphabet Re-Initiation.

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FYI, I didn't have time to proofread or edit this. It's NonFic and I'm terribly busy these days with work and studies so I'll just leave it be like that for a while till I can come back and fix it.

Oh and sometimes I have small rants, consider yourselves forewarned.

A- Airplanes. Air-force pilots. Astronauts and Astronomy. All things airborne!
I can't explain it. It's a passion. You either have it or you don't. Others feel dizzy when marching off to the end of a cliff, I'm thrilled. Some like flying some have to put up with it...some love it. I'd love to be an astronaut but I picked the wrong type of science for that....

B- Boybands. The year is 20-and bloody-15. Enough with the boyband frenzy and how they get glorified and deified. Someone somewhere posted a sign "name of one of the 1D chaps"-puked-here! Seriously???
Lads and lassies of the world, get a life, get a boyfriend (that's intentionally put there!) and move on. Also Bieber. Whatever reason teenage girls still have to write FanFic about him exploiting them sexually, is beyond me but allow me to say: Hell to the no!

C- Clocks and watches. I've a ridiculous thing with time-keeping devices. I'm fascinated by them. I love the concept of time. I've written about it so many times. Tennessee William's work revolves around it too which is one the many reasons I adore his plays but yes, clocks and watches, love them!

D- Dragons! They fly in the sky and they breathe fire. Enough said. Also Doctor Who!

E- Extreme Sports! Bungee-jumping, paragliding, skydiving... I could go on. I love the rush of adrenaline.

F- "Frak"! The first time I watched an episode of Battlestar Galactica I was too young to even remember what the episode was about but they revamped the series and here's where the word "Frak" and its derivatives come in. "Frak" became "Frell" on the Australian sci-fi show "Farscape" and so on. Which is exactly why I loved the British film "In The Loop" because you've got Peter Capaldi going all "fuckity fuck fuck fuck" on you. So refreshing considering all the fraks and the frells or the much worse "fuckin' nigga" ghetto swearing. Nope. He took swearing and turned it into art. (I can kiss goodbye my PG rating because of this paragraph but oh well)
Also, FIREFLY! Since this is a geeky NonFic....

G- Gore Metal music. Is somebody dying? Why would anyone ever listen to that thing? Ok I don't like metal music as a genre but some songs even I can appreciate. But gore metal? It's just gore. Aaaggahahjjh ahhgghjsj tururum ta ta aghahagaga lala aghahagaga that's what I hear when your car's parked next to mine and you're blasting this vile monstrosity through your speakers. NO! Go back to your cave you Flintstone. People developed speech to not have to result to this inarticulate way of talking. Go wear your fur and say 'ugk ugk',..... And no, this isn't a matter of different tastes. This is having NO taste!

H- Holographic Tele-transportation. Again, this is the year 2015. Why isn't this a thing yet? Man went to the moon, man made the Internet, man nuked whole cities, rebuilt them, destroyed a few others and so on (probably not in that order) and we have scientists investing their time and intellect in creating stuff like -and I kid you not, this is real!- a "Portable Chin Rest" and "Shoe Umbrellas". Because I can't fathom how people lead their lives without tiny dysfunctional umbrellas protecting their otherwise dirty and splashed shoes. Blimey, what did we even do before the PCR invention? My life was miserable, it really was. I was casually strolling down the street and I would just wanna rest my chin but dammit, there was nothing to rest it upon. Thank god for the PCR!
Seriously? Make Holographic Tele-Transportation happen already!

I- Ice skating. To this day, I still can't decide whether I like it more than skiing or not. Each has its merits. I definitely love doing both of them but the one makes you feel like you're in some sort of a race whereas the other has a silent kind of dynamic, no kinetic force, you've got to figure out a way to move forward on your own... Like I said, I can't pick favourites.

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