No light just Bite

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                                                           No light just bite

Away in a world with no light

In the dark, very dark,
Waiting for someone to bite

To make it more clear I'll say bark,
Every so often, you hear someone scream

But you can't see who it is,
Because you've locked yourself in your room with no light

Shutting yourself out,
Away from people with loud voices

Away from people with long noses,
And this is the world right now.

This poem is about those children in Homes that get beaten up. I've read many stories about them and I feel really sorry.


You know when you feel unhappy?
And then one moment you feel happy?
That's how I feel right now,
It's sometimes annoying that I ask how?
One moment you're feeling grumbly,
Then one moment you're feeling clumsy,
Then one moment you're feeling angry,
Its like your body is a machine,
I guess it's because I'm a teen,
But some teens can even bite,
I'm so lucky I'm not like that,
And I'm so lucky I'm not fat,
I love myself, I think all people do,
So now I say goodbye and a pick-a-boo!
Hhhhh! Xxxxx

Wait, before you misunderstand, when I said I love myself, I think all people do, I didn't mean all people love me, I mean all people love themselves.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28, 2015 ⏰

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