Love or War *18+

19 1 0

6 months later.

"Right this way, sir."

Rutledge entered the vast hall. He looked up to see a large fresco depicting a Biblical scene on the ceiling. The walls were lined with gilded columns and Rutledge's footsteps echoed across the marble floors. Ahead of him lay the one and only King George III, in all his glory. His robes were golden. Rutledge's gaze moved towards the King's face. His skin looked so incredibly soft. There wasn't a single hair out of place.

Rutledge bowed. "It is an honor, King."

"It is good of you to see me," said the King. He nodded at one of the guards, who left the room, closing the doors behind him. 

Rutledge stood up, taking a couple steps towards King George. "Have you decided what your next steps are yet?"

King George nodded. "I have sent another group of soldiers to the colonies. I have also written General Gage. The filthy rebels seem to have a stock of weapons in Concord. We will be seizing them."

Rutledge nodded. "I sure hope you will not be taking any violent action against your subjects. But, what if the colonists are hostile? What will you do then?"

The King took a step towards Rutledge. "Then, and only then...we will fight back." He leaned forward. Rutledge could feel the King's hot breath against his lips.

The room got very quiet. Rutledge looked into the King's eyes for a minute before closing his own. He raised his hand, placing his palm on the King's cheek. His skin felt just as soft as it looked. The King placed his own hand in Rutledge's hair as they began to gently kiss. The kisses slowly became rougher, faster. Rutledge began tugging at the King's robes.

"Hurry up," the King moaned. "We only have a few minutes."

Rutledge quickly undid the King's belt, pushing the King back into his throne. Sensually, he started to remove the King's golden trousers, massaging his thighs as the King's own subject began to rise.

Rutledge leaned in and laughed. Imagine if the colonists only knew that the King's largest army...was in his pants. Rutledge moved his hands up towards the King's cock. He started massaging the base as he began salivating intensely. 

"For God's sake!" the King said. His eyes moved up, locking onto the fresco on the ceiling. God was watching. The King felt an intense wave of guilt, until he was jerked back into reality by Rutledge's tongue, which was circling around the head of his dick.

Rutledge increased his pace, keeping his hands busy massaging the base of the King's long penis while his mouth took care of the rest. He continued for several more minutes, resisting his gag reflex as he let King George's dick take over his face.

It wasn't long before the King finished. Rutledge's mouth was filled with the best cum he had ever tasted. He made sure to swallow before quickly helping the King clean up. The guard would be back soon.

Suddenly, the door swung wide open. Luckily, Rutledge and the King had finished cleaning up. The guard ran in front of the King. 

"Shots fired in Lexington!" He screamed. "There was a shot. General Gage's soldiers fought back. There are many casualties on the Concord Bridge." The guard lowered his voice. "The colonists are stronger than we thought."

The King looked at Rutledge. "Return home, quickly," he said. "We are at war."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 07, 2020 ⏰

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