Tale As Old As Time

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I stepped out of my office and into the hallway to head down to the elevators to head home when Lorne walked out of his office, briefcase in hand. He looked up at me and smiled. "Jimmy, what are you doing here on a Sunday?" I rubbed the back of my neck and tried to stammer out a valid response when Lorne laughed and gripped my arm. "Ah. A few too many drinks last night at the cast party? You slept in your office again, didnt you?" I nodded and shrugged.

"Wait, how did you know that I sleep in my office sometimes?" I asked as I took my baseball cap off my head and flipped my hair backwards before replacing the cap on my head, this time the bill hanging in the back. Lorne just squeezed my shoulder and laughed. "Son, I know everything." I went to respond but he had already turned and began to walk down to the elevator bank. "By the way, Miss McConall is here. She wanted to get a feel for the studio. I figured maybe you would like to show her around since you're here." He called out as he walked down the hall. The elevator reached the floor and he stepped in. He pushed his button and smiled at me. "After all, you are the welcoming committee." And with that, the doors shut and he was on his way.

I looked down the hallway both ways and debated just going home anyways. I had a killer hangover, I needed food and a beer in a horrible way, and I was still wearing last nights clothes. I was not in the mood nor was I dressed to be hospitable to anyone, let alone some actress I hardly knew anything about. I walked towards the elevator bank and pushed the button to call one up for me to get home as soon as possible. I watched the numbers light up until the door opened in front of me. I stepped on and hit the button and leaned on the wall, waiting for the doors to close. I closed my eyes as the elevator went down until I felt the familiar jolt of it coming to a stop. I leaned up and stepped out onto the floor, shielding my eyes from the bright lights as the doors closed behind me. My head was pounding with each step I took. I yawned and looked down at the floor, realizing it was carpeted and not tiled like the lobby is. I looked up and scoffed as I looked around. I was on the 8th floor. I must have hit it out of habit from going to my office to the studio every day. Well, that or I was more hungover than I thought. I laughed to myself and turned to get back on the elevator when I heard a faint melody coming from one of the dressing rooms. I scowled and looked around. I didnt see anyone else on the floor but me.

I shook my head and walked back towards the elevator but slowly and surely, curiosity was getting the best of me. I'm sure it was Kinsley McConall but what she was doing in the dressing room was beyond me and she is all alone on the studio floor. Someone should be supervising her. Might as well just drop in and check on her. Just for a second, make sure she doesnt do anything questionable at the very least. "Okay, but only for a second and then you're going home, showering and getting some food in you and nursing this hangover away." I said to myself as I turned on my heel and followed the sound towards the dressing rooms. I made it just outside the closest one when I heard it.

"Tale as old as time, true as it can be. Barely even friends, then somebody bends unexpectedly."

I stopped outside the door and leaned against the wall, listening to her singing. "Just a little change, small to say the least. Both a little scared, neither one prepared." I closed my eyes and scowled a bit. Is she singing...
"Beauty and the beast"
She sang as she finished my thought. I covered my mouth to stifle my laughter as I pushed myself off the wall and slowly opened the door to the dressing room. I looked around the room but didnt see a single sign of her. I knew she was there though because I could still hear her singing.

"Ever just the same. Ever a surprise. Ever as before. Ever just as sure as the sun will rise."

I followed her voice until I saw a single black Chuck Taylor sticking out from underneath the dressing room table. I followed the black sneaker up a tattered pair of jeans that had a green plaid shirt hugging them around the knees. Blonde strands of hair were moving back and forth against it as Kinsley McConall huddled under the table, eyes shut, swaying back and forth as she concentrated. She had hives on her chest and neck. She took a deep breath in as I stepped in and knelt in front of her. I smiled softly to myself as I took a deep breath in.

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