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It was half past midnight and she knew she should have left hours ago. There was just something about the drunken crowds and loud music that excited her.

She sauntered passed dozens of sweaty bodies, grinding against each other, only to regret every minute she had spent with them. The smell of countless unidentifiable fragrances combined to create a stinging sensation that reached the bridge of her nose, giving her a headache. The aching hinted towards eventual unconciousness. Not wanting to pass out in the middle of the dance floor, she pushed people away, in attempt to leave. Either no one seemed to get the hint, or she lacked the strength it required to physically shove people.

These people are idiots!

Yet, it comforted her, being surrounded by idiots. It was odd, she admitted. But, not having to worry about having to be smarter than everyone. Prettier than everyone. More well dressed than everyone. More well mannered than everyone. It made her feel lighter. As if nothing was weighing her down. She could do anything she wanted now. It was her time to be the imperfect girl who could finally make her own mistakes.

She adjusted the sleeves of her black dress, finally out of the crowd of drunken dancers, before her gaze met that of another. Her first mistake.

He stood at the other end of the bar, laughing at something the bartender had said. His smile was crooked, but strong, complemented by his strong chin and dimples. Chin dimples. Slight stubble lined his sharp jaw line. His hazel eyes twinkled with amusement.

After thanking the bartender, for the free drink and amusing story, he had slipped his jacket on, ready to leave. After turning around, he couldn't help but... stay. Her long dark hair was in a neat ponytail. A black dress had shaped her body perfectly. Painful looking heels compensated for her lack of height. She looked so..out of place. Her icy blue eyes seemed to cautiously gaze around in wonder, as if it were her first time in such a setting. Her bottom lip was suddenly between her teeth, stirring something deep in his gut. Then, her gaze met his. Those frosty orbs widened, but only for a second before she batted her thick lashes and smirked. She spun around, giving him the perfect view of her bare back, along with the other eye grabbing objects she seemed to possess . Her hips swayed with a purpose while her legs had taken her in the opposite direction.

He smirked, eyebrows slightly furrowed.

Where do you think you're going?

He had not clearly understood if she had intended for him to follow her, yet before he could even think about it, his legs were taking long strides in her direction. His mistake.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2015 ⏰

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