Friends, music, and languages

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-0- Alaska and Florida are friends (well,, as close to being friends as you can get with Alaska as part of the lower 48) -0-

Why, you ask? Well let me get out my list.

1) When DC asked to call Alaska, Florida told DC he likes to be left alone. This is notable for multiple reasons like, how did he know that? But the biggest one is that Florida is trying to respect Alaska's wishes to not be bothered.
Florida. Respecting someone. What.

2) As someone who has lived in both states, the who's deadlier contest they have in Alaska's WTTT videos happens a Lot in real life. I'm a Floridian who's on Alaska's side of the debate, we both have fun. Like, yes our pride is on the line every time it's brought up but I love it.

3) When people from Alaska go south for winter vacation they usually go to Florida, when it comes to old people and families with little kids it's usually for the parks and weather but everyone else? Camping in the Everglades.
We migrate towards danger subconsciously and they would definitely cause chaos together.

4) They're both chaotic neutrals, they just demonstrate it in different ways.

-0- Colorado has the language on Minecraft set to 'LOL CAT" -0-

It's funny until he tries playing while high and then everything is hilarious and-
fuck he just got killed by a creeper

-0- Washington's ear buds are just streaming podcasts 24/7 -0-

His favorites are The Clearing, Decoder Ring, and The Dropout

-0- Rhode Island and New Jersey are gossip buddies -0-

Idk, I saw a line in Illinois joins the table and ran with it.

-0- California has a "not an obsession!" with music -0-

The second meetings are over the headphones are either around his neck at full volume, on and also at full volume, or just on like a normal person, it depends how stressful the day was.

I will further project through him dealing with most emotions by listening to music, it helps him process.

Has has playlists for everything and (if he manages to get invited) always dj's the music for parties, sleepovers, and just any hangout.

If someone plays an instrument/sings and is actually good within earshot of him there's a 70% chance that he is now in love.

Of course, he likes podcasts too but any time he's tried to use them as a conversation starter with Washington he's immediately shut down. Probably because the guy hates him and he honestly should've expected it but still, rude.

-0- Everyone is worried about Florida for no reason -0-

Every time there's a hurricane everyone's first move is to ask if he's okay, but they're usually met with the confusion of why he isn't in any pain. He's told them it genuinely doesn't affect him past a bit of an ache unless it's a cat 3. In fact, most of the time he doesn't even notice the cat 1's because the weather's just like that half the time.

They point out flooding in the keys, he points out that happens when it so much as rains too hard.
They point to power outages, he informs them the power will go out every few months regardless because there's always some power line guy that screws up.
They call him crazy, he agrees and asks why they didn't realize this sooner.

Most of the time they still don't believe him when he says he's fine but when they really don't want to give up, who is he to object to a little pampering?

-0- the one natural disaster Florida actually fears & hates -0-

No one ever thinks to worry about them because they don't happen as often in other places but Florida is a mere slab of limestone and sand.

There isn't really any way to predict sinkholes, they just happen, out of absolutely no where.
And once they happen there's not much you can do about it.
Like, what would you even do after a sink hole, say, swallows the road? You can't build a new road around it, all the ground in that area needs to settle for a few months first. You just gotta abandon it.
House swallowed up? Welp, time to move.

They usually just give him a sharp pain in his stomach for a few seconds and then it's over but when one happens nearby? The sheer anxiety of the ground possibly being unstable is the worst. He hates it.

-0- Colorado knows some Spanish and some French but isn't fluent in either -0-

Half of him was Spanish territory, the other half part of the Louisiana purchase. He should know both but when the two areas fused and he popped up it all got a bit jumbled.

He mostly defaults to Spanglish and some swearing in French when everyone else is gossiping in their first languages and he's feeling left out. Sadly, gossiping in mostly English doesn't exactly keep the gossip as secret as you'd want so he usually gets left out of the main conversation anyway. Some states always end up feeling bad though, so he does get instantly included in the next conversation to make up for it.

-0-  Illinois' Twinkies -0-

He knows they're unhealthy, California. Nothing with a shelf life that long is healthy but they just taste so good. They're his favorite treat by far.

They were created there and he will never fail to mention this fact.

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