Chapter 1 Clarissa

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Clarissa was running. Trees around her letting little rays of light go through their crowns. Her head spinning, legs dying from exhaustion, her long wavy brown hair getting tangled in the encountered branches and yet she was still running. She was never in the forbidden kingdom before. Barelly anyone was. But now she didn't has a choice. She knew she was running for her life and that there was no coming back. If she would turn back now, she would get straight into the hands of people who were after her. She would give up. And that was a thing that she never did. She never gave up. She believed in herself. Even after her own family left her, after discovering who she was. Identified as one of four „spell-touched" in Loria, Clarissa had the power. When she was smaller her dad used to tell her stories about people who were given undescribele power. He described them as insanely dangerous and uncontrollable. When people called spell-touched were detected, they were taken by authorities to keep them away from society. They were isolated to keep their feelings as low as possible because they were the key. Emotions. People who had powers couldn't use them until they were discovered. It wasn't something that you were born with. You gained it. You were special. That was what Clarissa thought. That it was special. Authorities and most of people found it bad, and distructing. Some of them said that it's kind of Curse to have a power. The way to discover the power is by experiencing a really big breakthrough moment in your life when your emotions were really high. That's why the goverment wouldn't let those people socialize and wouldn't give them the Chance to discover the power.                                                                                          When she was running she remebered the day that she asked her father about the Forbidden Kingdom. He told her the story of when all the spell-touched and normal people lived together in peace.

A long time ago there was a land called Loria. It consisted of five kingdoms. The kingdom of Arcanis, the kingdom of Calas, the kingdom of Aeris, the kingdom of Myrios and finally, the kingdom of Nevera. All of the realms lived peacefully with each other until the time when spell-touched started improving their powers. They were expanding it so much that instead of just healing small injuries or helping with moving objects and doing casual things they started to use it to control elements. They could start the rain, make the ground grow big crops, stop the waves when they were too big or start the fire. At first people were  amazed by the development of the power but after some time they started to worry about the fact of how powerful and mighty they had become. They were afraid of them taking over so they started the war. They thought that when they will get rid of them everything will be solved. The moment of climax had come. It happened in kingdom of Nevera. When all the spell-touched came together they becomed insanely strong and used their powers to defeat the enemy. But the power was so strong that together with the fighting people was also destroyed the Kingdom. It was completly ruined. The magic in Nevera started to slowly to heal it and Nevera became the place that helped powers develope but people decided to never let powers grow again. That's how the kingdom of Nevera became the Forbidden kingdom. All the blame fell to spell-touched. The ones who survived started the civilization of spell-touched in the land that was only possible to get in for those who had powers.  People rebuilt the civilization of Loria in four kingdoms without any magic. It helped at first but there were still appearing single magic creatures. Their powers were gained by few people at once on the day of 6th of February. The anniversary of the war. Nobody knew how it happened but the person who gained the power was automatically detected by the authority becouse of mark that appeared on the inner side of their wrist the night of gaining power. It were three short, dark lines placed obliquely and paralel. On the next day every kingdom looked if there were any spell-touched.  They didn't have the choice. They were taken by authorities and beeing isolated and tortured or  painfully killed if they tried to face them. The brave or maybe stupid ones tried to run away, to get to the place where they could live with other spell-touched. You needed the power of at least one of the kind to make it happen. There was a place in the Edge of forbidden kingdom that was called a portal. If you somehow made it to there without getting catched you used your power to transfer to the kingdom of spell-touched. Only a few people ever made it to there. The moment of entering the land of spell-touched was accompanied by a shimmering glow shining so strongly that it could be seen from every kingdom. But people failed almost every time. If you decided to try it, you were just insane.

And yet, Clarissa was running away. On her way to find a portal. She knew that if they catch her she'll get killed. She knew, but she would rather die than give up. Suddenly  someone grabed her wrist and pulled he over.                                                                  She felt that it's her last moment. It's the time that she's gonna die. She was so exhausted that she fell. She closed her eyes and passed out.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 04, 2020 ⏰

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