Shattered Youth (Newtown School Shooting)

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Faces in the world turn pale and white

When hearing of this tragedy with terrible freight.

A town with beautiful views,

turn into a scene of messy truths.

Parents wait trembling to find their loved ones

While twenty kids lye on the floor in a heap.

Not only did the man stop there,

But took away six women who did nothing but care.

With the holidays so near it only makes things worse

Seeing the present for the people who don't deserve the worst.

All we can do is mourn for the ones lost,

Lowering all of our flags completely half-massed.

This brings everyone one together in a way we may not fully understand

No matter what we all believe, we can clearly see;

This isn't normal

It shouldn't be.

This is not the time to talk about new laws and guns

But the moments of grief and love.

Don't let this get to your head,

and blame the ones who knew the evil man.

Though it has already started

I cant surly tell;

The brother of this cruel man,

is already being told that he will be damned.

People act stunned to hide all the hurt

trying to hold back tears, but it doesn't work.

Know that you are never alone

As people would do anything to take away the pain.

Make sure dark foggy thoughts don't fill your head

Instead let the white mist take you in.

An open mind might be best for now

When it comes to these herendes accidents.

Imagine the things about them that made you smile.

Hold onto the days you cherished them most.

Picture yourself being in their place

Let them know that even strangers care, in a world where people will 100% dare.

Your lost will always have a place in our hearts

For 'Shattered Youth' should not come at all.


"At 9:30AM on(12/14/12) their was a shooting in Connecticut at an elementary school. Located in a small town, not much bigger than my own. 20 kindergardeners, and 6 adults (the substitute for the class, etc) were shot by a young man being 20.Not only did he end up killing himself but he also shot himself, mother and most likely his girl friend and her friend since they are missing.

I cant imagine what the parents to these kids are going through. I cant believe that this event of all the times has happened around the holidays. Let people know this story if they haven't already heard about it or seen it on the news. Especially this christmas, be thankful for the ones you love......

Wish everyone in this town the best; Newtown, Connecticut"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2012 ⏰

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