Chapter 2: The interrogation

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Chapter 2: Nessa's POV*

I woke up with my head pounding. I look around to see that I'm in a White room with two windows placed on either side of a door without a doorknob. Instead on the wall right of the door was a pad with glowing numbers on it, on the top of the pad it reads 'Enter Password'. They must have locked me in so that only someone with the password can let me out. I hopped off of the bed they had placed me on and walked towards the wall. I looked at the pad trying to see If I might be able to unlock the door so I can get out of here. If Thor see's me I'm dead I thought to myself.

I look at the pad it's a simple four number code I should be able to figure it out. I start typing random numbers is like 1234, 0000, and 4321 but unfortunately for me the door stays closed. Leaving me with no choice but to brake the door down. I place myself against the wall opposite the door. "One... Two... Three!" I counted then ran at full speed and the door opposite me. I make a big dent in the wall but it still doesn't open.

Then, I notice that above the door is a hole that is as wide as the door. This door goes up and down! I realise so I get on my knees and attempt to lift the door up but it's so heavy that it doesn't move. It takes a few seconds but I finally get the door to lift of the ground. Come on I only need to lift it a bit more so I can slide under it. I try lifting it and slowly it starts to lift higher and higher it's almost high enough for me to squeeze through....

Beep, beep, beep, beep I heard along with the sound of the door shooting up and opening. I look down and see a pair of feet that have stopped opposite me, just outside the door. I look up and saw a man in a suit looking down at me. I quickly got of the floor and put a serious face on. I could tell that he wanted something. Well whatever he wants he's going to have a hard time getting it from me. "Hello Miss, I'm Director Fury head of S.H.I.E.L.D." Fury introduced himself. He's the head of S.H.I.E.L.D I have to show him that I'm a normal human even if I'm not. He starts talking again "So let's cut to the chase, one of my men believes that you are not just human, he believes that you are something more and that you are able to do things that normal humans can't." "I don't know what you're talking about." I reply sounding calm and confused. "You and I both know that you know exactly what I'm talking about." he states he pauses for a moment before continuing.

"Do you know anything about videos being able to record something that someone does?" He asks me. I start to have a bad feeling about this. "Yes what's your point?" I question him, my voice with slight attitude. "Well then you would like to know that Tony the man that was in the suit recorded your little performance and that all we had to do was sit back and watch it to know that you are not a normal, that you can do things that other people can't." He said. Oh shit I am so dead, but he couldn't have really seen It could he? "So why don't you just admit that you're not normal and speed things along before we have to debrief you." He says. "You're bluffing there's no video of me doing anything." I said calling his bluff. I'm not admitting to doing anything until I have proof that he's seen me do them. "Oh really? Well you're in luck because I have the video right here." He says as he takes out his phone presses the screen a few times and hands it to me.

I look on the screen on the screen is a video of me flying through the sky with no jetpack, no aeroplane nothing just me flying. "Oh..Umm." Was all that I could say. I can't believe they actually got me on video. "Yes oh we have proof that you're not a normal human so what are you?" he asked. I can't tell him I'm Asgardian he'll only tell Thor and if Thor knows he'll demand to know how I got here and who I am. "That is not of your concern." I reply hoping he will drop the subject but just as I though he kept on asking. "I'm going to ask you this one more time and I suggest you answer or else I will have to use force to get the answers out of you." he says with anger in his tone. Which I guess is fare since he has asked me 7 times. I decided that instead of answering that I would use force. I have to brake my way out of her cause there's no way he's just going to let me go.

The Secret Life of Nessa Odindaughter (Thor, Avengers fanfic)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ