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"Why are you so mad at me?" Kaitlin said, rolling down her window as she drove beside me.

"So are you stalking me now?"

"Get in the car,"


"Get in the car, now,"

I rolled my eyes and got in, slamming the door shut.

"Why are you so mad at me?"

"Oh, I don't know, maybe because you left me alone in a house with them for 13 years. You never contacted me, you never even said happy birthday, and now you want to just take me to live with you like nothing has happened? I know there are 16 years between us but geez, I am not some toy,"

"I had to get out of the house, and I knew I was going to come back one day,"

"13 years. I don't know you. I don't remember you. I was 3. I don't... I don't get this,"

"I did send you birthday cards, so I don't know what happened about that, but I am sorry. I was scared you wouldn't want to talk to me,"

"I'll talk to anyone at this point,"

"Is it that bad?"

"I do online school, I don't know anyone besides them,"

"So they isolated you?"

"I guess,"

"That's not fair, is it?"

"Don't start that. Don't start making out that your life is so much better,"

"Look, Izz. My husband and I,"- "husband? You're married. You got married and didn't invite us?"

"I don't fucking speak to mum and dad!" she exclaimed, "Okay? It was a small wedding, with us and our close friends. His family wasn't there either, okay?"


"Like I was saying. My husband and I, we both work in the hospital, we have a good home, you can go to school. I promised myself I would come back, and I have,"

"It took you 13 years to come back. You were 19, now you're what? 32?"

"And you were 3. Now you're 16. I can do mental maths too,"

"Fuck you,"

She began to drive again and we were left in silence, making me process what had just happened in the span of 10 minutes.

Which was a lot.

My thoughts bounced around my head so fast they almost hurt, and I quickly became overwhelmed.

"They're letting me go that easily," I said, feeling my heart start to break, "They're shipping me off. They don't want me. They- they- I,"

"Izz, sweetheart,"

"They don't care," I sobbed, "They never did,"

She pulled the car over and hugged me, hushing me as I sobbed.

"No," I said, "Get off me,"


"No! You- you never cared either. You left me, and you never spoke to me,"

"I contacted mum and dad via a letter. You never received birthday cards from me even though I sent them. If I tried to contact you, they would've stopped it anyway,"

"You're lying,"

"I'm not. I always sent one, with a photo and Ashton and I, I really did. I wanted you to at least know my face,"

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