C. 18🕰

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I took some time to think about Luci's situation with her mother and how I approached it. I shouldn't have planted my flowers where they were not needed, as my mother puts it.

Speaker of my mother, she texted me later that evening after Luci and I made amends over dinner. I gave her a bite of my half-bitten egg roll and she fed me some of her soup with her spoon. My heart skipped a beat when she blew on it before serving it to me.

The last time someone let me taste their soup was a year ago when I asked Crush if I could taste the new soup that had come out on the menu at the AYCYHO soup buffet. He didn't warn me of the hot temperature nor did he blow on it. I burned my tongue so bad that day, I couldn't taste anything for two days after.

The professor wanted to know if I was coming over to stay for the weekend. I told her that I was staying in my dorm because I didn't want her to sulk and make me feel guilty about my car being towed. I also preferred not to be bombarded with questions about my love life.

You know, not that I had any interest in the laundry boy, whose name I still had not known. For now, I shall give him a new moniker. Mystery boy. That'll do for now.

I was currently lying on my side on Luci's bed with my hand holding up my head, stroking Gatsby when Luci came out of her bathroom, dancing.

I chuckled, "What are you doing?" "I'm dancing."

"I can see that," I respond, chuckling as Luci comes into my space, invading it. She hops onto her bed like a rabbit and sits on her legs and feet when all of a sudden, she starts to laugh uncontrollably.

It was as if an alarm went off and there was no button or password to turn it off. "What's going on with you?" I asked in a curious yet intriguing tone because I was interested as to where this burst of energy was coming from.

She stops and repeats, "What's going on with you?"

Her emphasizing you, made me question was she about to kiss me? So, I asked her, "Are you...are we about to make out?"

"I don't know," she says in a soft tone, not pulling away from me. I scoff anxiously, looking away before she brings her hands up to my face and whispers, "Do you want to kiss me?"

I forbade myself to speak, rather, I slowly leaned in and shut my eyes. The tip of my nose had made contact with Luci's nose when it pursued down to her soft raspberry lips. I sensed her lips were close to mine because of her hot breath.

She was heaving, nearly panting like a dog out of breath.

"Kiss me," she demands, and as a student does to a teacher, I follow her order and plant my lips onto hers.

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