Chapter Four

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The bar was dim and crowded. Several conversations buzzed over the jukebox, mingling into nonsensical sound. The people at the tables closest to the door and the bartender were the only ones who looked up when Aelana walked in. She walked to the far end of the bar and took the only open seat.

"What can I get ya?" The bartender set a coaster in front of her.


"Any particular kind?"

She glanced around his shoulder at the taps. "The dark one, please."

He nodded once and grabbed a glass. After filling it, he set it in front of her. "Three fifty."

"Just put it on my tab," a voice said to her left.

She turned and looked at Kalen. "Thanks." She grabbed the glass and took a sip.

The liquid tasted like cold coffee with a hint of chocolate. The froth covered her top lip. She licked it off and smiled.

Kalen stood next to her, his elbow leaning against the bar, his body wedged between bar stools. He shook his head.

"Are you sure we've never met before? Maybe I've pulled you over for speeding?"

Aelana cocked her head to the side. "I haven't been back here for a long time, remember?"

Kalen pointed at her. "Right. It's driving me crazy why you seem so familiar." He folded his hands on the bar and smiled. "What are you doing here?"

She shrugged and looked around the room before fixing her gaze on his face. "I wanted a beer. This place is close to the hotel, so I thought I'd pop in." A suspicious look crossed her face. "Is that why you dropped me off there?"

Aelana neglected to tell him that she traced his green aura through the earth, and it led her directly to him. Her intuition and knowledge of Thoran told her his dropping her off at that particular hotel wasn't a coincidence. More than likely, he was planning on a "chance" meeting. Not that Aelana minded; she wanted to be with him. Still, she hesitated telling him how she ran into him. The risk existed that he would be scared off if she said anything about magic. She decided to err on the side of logic and play up the coincidental nature of the meeting.

Kalen's smile widened, and he jerked his head over his shoulder. "Come hang out with us. You shouldn't drink alone."

Aelana hopped down from the stool and followed him through the crowd. The route was tight, making her extra cautious. Even though she looked human, she wasn't, and her wings could easily catch on things. As she side-stepped between some tables, she wondered what possessed her to come to the bar. The spell was foolproof. No one would see her true form, but putting herself in a situation where the possibility her true identity could be discovered was risky. She wasn't the only one on the planet to use magic. There were others; she could sense them through the earth. Even though they couldn't counter her magic, they would be able to sense she was different, which could lead to panic and suspicion. It was too early for those emotions to begin. There would be plenty of time later.

Kalen reached behind him and wrapped his fingers around her hand. The warmth radiated up her arm. Her body relaxed. That was why she was risking everything—to be with him.

They headed toward the back corner where a group of twelve people congregated. Some sat at a table, others stood around, but all the men had a similar appearance: their hair had been shaved into a buzz cut. Kalen pulled her close.

"These are my friends," he spoke close to her ear. "Let me introduce you."

After being introduced to several people whose names Aelana didn't bother to remember, they approached a man close to Kalen's age with blond hair and piercing green eyes. He watched them approach, staring intently at Aelana.

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