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TW: Medication, Implied Child abuse, Underfeeding, Mention of breaking somebody's nose, Mention of drugging, Hanging mention, Panic attack

One month 3 weeks until graduation

I'm really tired today. Wanna know why? I got perscribed a new medication the other day. It was two small pills in the morning, and two at night. It's meant to decrease my heart rate and make me less jittery, but all it does is make me overly tired.

So, here I sit, in English class, feeling like I'm going to nod off any second.

"What did the author mean in this context?" Mrs Blackberry's eyes scan the room for somebody to ask.



I jolt awake in my seat, disorientated. "Aurgh.."
"Let me know when you're done napping in my class, and we can continue the lesson."

"S-Sorry mi-miss, it's my m-medication-" I struggle out before I'm inrurrupted.
"Well, Mr Blair. Maybe if you need chemicals in your body to get through the day, you should not be in school."
I can only nod and prop my head up with my arms.

"Take your elbows off the table and look at the board." I do what she says. "Actually, Virgil. Can you tell me the answer to number three?"
I scan the board, and have no idea what she's on about. Luckily, I'm saved when the door to the room opens.

Our headteacher walks into the room and we all subconciously stand up and look towards the board like the obidient sheep we are.

"You may be seated. I have a new student for your class here. You may have to watch his behaviour."

The man shoves a fed-up looking Remus into the classroom, and I have to stop myself from squealing with joy. He looks a bit different, somehow skinnier than he was at the hospital (which I didn't think was possible). I also notice that he has a fading black eye and what looks like a burn mark on his left hand.

He immidiately makes eye contact wih me and breaks into a grin. "Hey Virgil."
"Hi." I say between laughs.

"Do you boys know eachother?" Our teacher asks curiously.
"You could say that." Remus replies cockily.

"Pleasure us, lads. Where have you met? The class is already all about you, it seems." The headteacher's voice is cold yet amused at the same time.

I give Remus a look of confirmation and he nods too, telling me that he's fine with everybody knowing, and so am I. I'm not even trying to hide it anymore.

"We shared a room at a mental hospital and both got illegally drugged by a corrupt businessman."

"Oh. That's a shame."
Our headteacher turns and walks out of the room.

"You look like your parents beat you!" A random voice yells at Remus. He turns his head to them and raises an eyebrow.

"I got expelled from my last school for breaking a teacher's nose. And Virgil did the same to a particularly irritating doctor once. Don't push your luck." He threatens, taking a seat at the back of the room and smirking when the kid shrinks into his blazer.

"Right, very good. Now sit down. This is still a lesson."


"H-How's Rom-man?" I ask. We're sitting on the bank, and Remus is pulling grass up and shoving it in his mouth. The other kids in the class have backed off now that Remus is here. He may or may not have threatened to seriously hurt some of them, but yknow.

"He's good. Great, even. His grades have skyrocketed since he got back from the hospital, and my parents have taken it as a sign that the stay was beneficial. I- uh. I heard them talking about sending me back to one a few hours from here last night. Get me out of their hair, I guess."

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