A Fool's Mistake

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For the first time in weeks, Iira was finally taking a bit of a vacation. It wasn't a glamorous vacation by any means, Dantooine wasn't exactly a paradise and she knew plenty of other planets that would've been way more relaxful, but at the moment she couldn't exactly be picky about where to take a break. She'd been on the run for a while now and now, she believed, she could finally catch her breath.

Her life was never easy. Sometimes she scored her victories, sometimes she got deep in debt and had to get into hiding to save her skin. Now just happened to be one of those go-into-hiding times.

A few weeks ago, she did a job for Black Sun, one of the several crime syndicates that had been on the rise. They were a group of Falleen nobles who she hoped would be semi-reasonable. She had been in a bit of a rough spot and she needed the money from the job. Unluckily for her, the job went south. She hoped she had gotten away under the radar, but a few days later she started seeing her name pop up with a significant bounty. After weeks of burning fuel and running low on food, she believed she finally gave the bounty hunters the slip, and regardless she desperately needed supplies. Dantooine was the first and closest place she could go to get what she needed.

When she walked into the small town, she knew almost instantly that this was a bad idea. The town was much more populated than she expected. The sight of it sent her heart racing, but she took a deep breath, tugged the scarf around her neck higher, and prayed that the bounties hadn't reached this place. She held tighter to the bag slung across her back and walked into town.

So far, no one recognized her and she was able to pass by as any other stranger. She bought supplies, food and drink. For the first time in weeks she was able to buy herself a proper meal. She bought ammunition, fuel tanks, nearly depleting all of her credits. She wouldn't be able to last long, she knew, but she could fight on a bit longer. After that? She supposed she would just have to improvise.

Before leaving town and trying to find a secluded hole to hide in for a while, Iira stopped at the cantina, an admittedly bad idea, but she needed something to drink.

She flagged down the bartender.

"What are you drinking, my lovely friend," he asked.

Iira looked up with a disgusted look, "Corellian Ale and no more of that kind of talk," She dropped the credits on the bar.

"Your wish is my command,"

Then he left her alone.

Iira was used to being alone. She had been alone for most of her life, the past ten years was nothing different. She'd accepted it a long time ago. She had no partner, no team, no family. All she had was Jaelyn, but she would never be there when she needed her. No, all her sister was good for was demanding impossible favors and disappearing for months on end.

Then some guy dropped into the seat next to her.

For as much as she resented being alone, she hated having company. Especially if they were men.

"What's a Twi'lek like you doing all the way out here?" he asked, trying to give her a seductive smile and winding up with more of a smirk.

She swept one of her lekku over her shoulder and turned to look at him, "I'm just trying to get far away from everyone,"

"That's no way to live your life,"

"It's the only way if I want to keep living it," She turned back to the bar as the guy arrived with her ale. She took a big shot of it and turned back to the guy, "Now would you please leave a woman and her drink alone,"

"I was only trying to be nice,"

"I've had enough experience with men 'only trying to be nice', now get out of here before I do something I really don't want to do,"

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