✨Chapter 1✨

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"Ava!! Alexis!! COME HERE" I yelled looking at the mess they made on my new white rug I got yesterday.

"Yes mommy " they both said at the same time.

"Why is there an stain on my new rug that I bought YESTERDAY HUH!!" I yelled but not really yelled because they are really sensitive and they don't like when I yell at them and I don't like yelling at them either.

"Mommy Ava was playing with her juice and I was telling her not to because she was going to spill it" Alexis told me with tears in her eyes and wipes them.


I just sighed sometimes being a mom is hard but I love being an mom and I wouldn't changed it for the world.

"Well since neither one of you did it I guess I will have to take your ipads for a week then" I said folding my arms looking at them.

They both looked at each other and then looked back at me and nodded.

"I love you both okay" I said bending down and opening my arms to hug them both.

They both walked into my arms and nodded but I want to hear them say it.

"I wanna hear you guys say it" I said pouting and looking at them.

"We love you too mommy" they said laughing at my face and I laughed as well.

When I found out that I was having not one but TWO kids at first I wasn't ready and on top of that I didn't really have a stabled job to be feeding TWO babies and I was thinking about not keeping them til I was ready, but then I told my bestfriend Daren before I made any choices I might regret and im happy I did and Daren helped me through my whole pregnancy as for the Dad when I told him, he just laughed in my face and said that "them kids ain't his" and he left and I haven't seen him since but I did hear that he has a girlfriend and two kids but im not sure.

"Okay then can you guys help mommy clean up the mess yall made" I asked them knowing they was going to help me anyways.

"Yes mommy we will help you right Alexis" Ava said turning to Alexis.

" YEA we will help you mommy" Alexis said smiling.

I love the relationship that they have with each other yea they fight and argue but they always end up saying sorry and hugging it out I think it the cutest thing.

When we was done cleaning us the mess and some other things I got them ready for their baths and got dinner ready.

"Mommy can we please so to Kehlani's house tomorrow please" Alexis said with the cutest puppy eyes.

"Yea mommy can we please" Ava said with the same puppy eyes.

I laughed because of how hard they are trying to make me say yes but I was going to say yes anyways.

I know I know they are supposed to be in trouble but I cant help it they are my little babies and I sometimes can't say no to them but I can't always say yes to them.

"Yes we can go to Kehlani's house tomorrow" I said smiling at them.

They started to jump in the tub and I just laughed and told them to stop so they won't fall and hurt themselves.

Atfer their baths we ate and I let them watch TV for a little but not to long because they still have to go to sleep.

"Ava,Alexis it's time for bed mommy babies" I said walking into their bed room and turning off their TV.

"Mommy please 5 more minutes" They both asked me I shook my head no.

They frowned and I hate when they are sad but they can't everything they want.

"How about this I will let you guys watch TV til 10 tomorrow but if you want that you have to sleep now" I said putting my pinky out.

They nodded and locked their pinkies with mine and got under their blankets.

"Goodnight mommy love you" they said.

"Goodnight babies I love you too" I said kissing their heads and turn their pink nightlight on and walking out their room.

I closed their door and went downstairs to feed 4oe and then made sure everything was locked and when I was done checking I went to my bedroom and 4oe was beside me when he has a WHOLE bed but he wanna sleep on my bed.

I just rolled my eyes and chucked a little and kisses 4oes head and went to sleep.


Well the first chapter is out !!

And I hope you guys like this book because I do

Sorry for any mistakes

(780 words)

BYE <3

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