Chapter Ten - Adria's Revenge.

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Chapter Ten

It was Halloween, and Milo had never seen Adria so chatty or excited in his entire time as her friend. Granted that was only two weeks but in that time, she had never been this loud over anything at all. It was as though she was talking at the speed of light, her eyes lighting up at every single Halloween decoration that they passed on the way to the great hall for breakfast.

In the last two weeks, Adria's time at Hogwarts had drastically improved to the point she woke up with a smile on her face. She felt as though she was starting to enjoy her time at her school and that she was happy to be there for the first time since she arrived.

She and Milo did everything together. From eating in the great hall to studying to finding cosy window seats to read, they both were joined at the hip and It was the happiest that Adria had ever felt in her life.

She felt comfortable around him like she had known him for a whole lot longer than two weeks, but she didn't care how long she had known him. They were best friends.

James Potter and Sirius Black always waited until she was back in the Gryffindor common room to start their taunts and teasing, as though they decided not to do it when Milo was around. She liked that they had less time to tease her, but she hated the idea that she needed someone with her at all times to avoid such things.

She truly wished she could stick up for herself, but it proved rather difficult when she still couldn't talk to anyone other than Milo. She still wasn't talking to Benji, and she had truly fallen out with him. He may be her brother, but he wasn't her friend.

"Are you excited?!" asked Milo, " I think we should dress up!"

"I don't have a costume with me!" he laughed, "we could steal tissue paper and stick it to ourselves like mummies!"

Adria laughed, clutching at her brown shoulder bag that swung at her side, "oh, could you imagine that! I don't think McGonagall would be too happy if we did that!"

"True...I have an idea though." He had a curious look on his face, one that made Adria stop in her tracks on her way to breakfast and face him, "one that might take some convincing."

Her eyebrows furrowed, "what is it?"

"Why don't we prank James and Sirius for all the times they pranked you!" she gasped. The idea seemed hilarious, and they did deserve it, but she was terrified of the consequences if they were to be caught.

"I don't know, Milo." She frowned, shifting slightly, "what if they catch us. They'll kill me!"

"We won't get caught, plus it's Halloween. Surely pranks are a normal occurrence, plus they deserve to get a taste of their own medicine!" that was true. She wished to humiliate them so much that they never showed their face again but that was slightly farfetched, of course, maybe a little harmless prank was needed for them to finally leave everyone else alone.

"I like that idea," she said with an affirming nod, "let's do it."

They continued on their way to the Great Hall for their breakfast. Adria didn't know if it was allowed but she had started eating with Milo at the Ravenclaw table, or sometimes Milo would join her at the Gryffindor table.

Today they sat at the Gryffindor table, and just down from them sat James and Sirius but she paid no attention to them. They said nothing, and she was surprised every time they didn't. It was clear they didn't say anything due to Milo being there, perhaps they had heard Milo speak of the fights he had gotten in due to his brother.

She wasn't sure.

Milo had leaned over to discuss their plans for their prank. She had decided it was best for Milo to take the reins on it, he knew a lot more than she did. Of course, she loved to prank her brothers and sisters, and she wondered if there was any way she could prank the boys just like she did her siblings.

Maybe she could prank Benji too, merlin knew he deserved it.

"I have an idea...but I don't know if it's good," Adria trailed off, "it'll last longer."

"What is it?"

"Why don't we bleach Sirius' hair?" Milo let out a howl of laughter at the suggestion, "of course, we'd have to find something for the others but I haven't seen an eleven-year-old as obsessed with their hair as Sirius."

It was true, Sirius was particularly in love with his own locks. They flew to his shoulders, a very dark brown colour and he could always be seen running his hands through them. Adria knew that if she dyed his hair, it would make him a wreck. He loved his hair more than anything.

"Why don't we dye all of their hairs?" said Milo, "I'm sure I've seen a potion somewhere for hair-dyeing in a potions book in the library. I think we could pull it off. We could make James and Sirius' hair bright yellow and Remus and Peter's hair bright red."

"That's perfect, Milo!" Adria exclaimed loudly, her voice echoing down the table. She shied away no less than seconds later, but Milo was grinning at the thought of it, "but could we get it done tonight, we would need to pour it on their hair or something."

"We could set it up," said Milo, "think about it. We do the classic 'water' prank on them. When they're walking down the hall and tip buckets of water over them, or what they think is water. Then, when it drenches them, their hair will almost instantly turn that colour."

"I think we could pull this off, Milo!" Adria beamed, casting her eyes over the four boys eating just down from them, "they deserve it. It's my revenge."

"Good. I have a lot of reading up to do, Adria, but meet me in the courtyard at lunchtime and we will plan the execution!" he threw his arms around her in a tight bear hug, "got to go, bye!"

She laughed, bidding him a short goodbye. He was practically running out of the great hall when she turned to face him and like clockwork, as soon as he was out of sight, she rolled her eyes when she heard from behind her, "Oi, Hopkins!"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 29, 2020 ⏰

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