Act 3: RM and Kim Namjoon

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I lost track of time as I indulge myself to my "new hobby" arranging and sorting the file cases RM handled before.

I am astound finding out that most of his cases were classified under Women and Children's Rights.

"I don't understand why you hurt and abuse women despite you prioritize to protect these people on the other hand. What have you gone through to become like this?"

I piled up the thick folders of transcripts and reports of each case and carry it at once, to my mistake I didn't clear the ground with other folders and so I lost my footing and stumble down the floor.

"Aish stupid. "

Something caught my eye and pick a semi-discolored paper which seems like a family photo.

"Who are these people? Was this a supporting document to one of his cases?"

There are three people in the picture which indicates the man standing was the father and the woman sitting beside a boy that can be in his middle school was their only child.

They seem happy together until I check the back of it.

"Betrayal never comes from your enemies "

It was written in the upper part and I noticed there was also written at the bottom part.

09.12.2004. Never forget that night.

"Wait. I think this fell from one of his case files. Where is it?"

I picked up the folder where it was hidden, at the footnote of the first page says " Dismissed due to failure proving the guilt of accused beyond a reasonable doubt."

"I never have an interest in legal so understanding this might be impossible. Wait, the defendant's name was Kim Nam Woo and the complainant was Kim Joon Hae."

As I read further, as far as I understood, the court dismissed the case due to the claims of the complainant which does not support the evidence they had to pin against the defendant.

The identity of the child victim was omitted and rather named as Child A. 

"It seems this was an open and shut case. Poor mother and child. "

*Distant ringing*

The old-fashioned telephone rings again as the hand of the clock strikes at 3 in the afternoon.

This is the 3rd week I heard the phone ring on a specific day at the same time.

Wednesday, 3 P.M.

I went outside to the living room to get closer to the telephone. I stare at it, my curiosity is pulling my hand to answer it but my rational brain is telling me otherwise.

It stopped before I could get my hands on it.

"Come to think of it, there is no single portrait of his family here."

There are no stuff that could indicate he has siblings.

Was he adopted?

RM's identity turns more mysterious each day.

I tried to ask him politely about his parents but all I get in return was a soul-slicing glare and response threatening my being.

I did not stop. I already involved myself in his private life, no.

Let me rephrase that.

He already involved me in his very private life and now I got nothing else to do apart from being his prostitute, maybe knowing why he switches in two personas will make my life a bit easier. 

One day while I am inside the library I happened to walk across the door.

That's when I heard those guys talking outside of this room.

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