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Look how foolish she is
Smiling after his kiss
Lies and motives untold
Fooled by love he have told

They were bounded by a lie
Ended up saying goodbye
Promise of love was broken
He keep his heart unopen

Her love was sincere and true
But blinded by words, untrue
Inside her heart that have died,
His name, embedded by lie

He's not your Romeo, you're not his Juliet;
You've been fooled by this flibbertigibbet;
His subtle smile conceals his motive
His plan starts to run like a locomotive;

He's not worthy of your tears
He create love full of fears
This bludgeoning love he serves
Show thy love no one deserves

So my lady guard your heart
Don't let flies taste thy sweet tart
Not until the prince with golden heart
Picks you and never breaks you apart...

Bounded by lies, wounded by goodbyesWhere stories live. Discover now