Chapter 11

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I woke at 9am to the loud singing coming from beyond my door. I rubbed my eyes and yawned. I got out of bed and went through the door still rubbing my eyes. I heard someone laugh I looked up and saw Nat "Hey sleephead merry Christmas " she smiled. I laughed as I rembered "Merry Christmas Nat. " I stretched and then saw Steve wearing a santa clause outfit and laughed "Nat and Tony forced me" he groaned and laughed. I laughed too. Then Tony appeared out holding a microphone he had been the one singing "Merry Christmas lilly" he said into the microphone. I laughed. Soon anoth Al the Avengers, me, Peper, Peter and his aunt may who knew his secret were on the sofa. Suddenly from behind the couch Steve pulled out this santa bag full of gift from him. He threw one to Tony and Nat aiming for there heads. And then passed out one to everyone else. He gave may spiderman socks as a joke. Peter a mini replica of his shield and Nat, bruce, thor, clint, pepper and Tony a mini old limeted addition captain America doll which he signed of course and for me a captain America hoodie. We all laughed at his presents there were funny and good. It went round like this Nat gave me a pair of blue boxing gloves, Bruce got me a hulk Teddy the irony. Clint gave me a bow and arrow which he said he'd teach me to aim with after pepper look. Thor got me a asgard Ian speacial wine which he said for me to drink when I came of age when he saw the disapproval look of peppers face once again. Pepper got me a amazing outfit which was a leather black jacket, red t-shirt, leggings, trainers and sunglasses. I then got from Tony a cool gadget which he installed my suit into that if I tapped it my suit would appear on me which he upgraded. And finally from Peter he got me a video camera. I thanked everyone.

Well what I got for people where Nat a black and red crystal necklace, pepper a golden bracket with little charms on them like books. For tony I got a mini figure of his costume which joomed around the room with a remote control. For Bruce I got a big bag of chocolates. Steve I got a picture book off all the pictures I could find of Peggy in old records which I snuck out to find he nearly cried. Clint I got five tickets to hawei for him and his family by buying them by making money with my hand. And finally for peter I got alot of T-shirts to pay back that one I got blood on and a spiderman wonzie. They all thanked me it had taken awhile to make some with my hands and buy some but the longest was Steve's but it made him so happy it delighted me.

Overall Christmas was amazing we had a amazing lunch made by pepper and Tony and we all did karoke even Bruce and Nat. Clint left early to spend time with his family and once again thanked me for the tickets. Finally the day was over I got in bed all the presents and sweets I got delighted me and soon I fell asleep.

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