The Rescue

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"How about Alpha Team or The Avengers?" suggested Grox.

"I think those are taken already," Kella shouted over the blaster fire and blaring alarms.

Grox whipped a dagger from her belt and flicked it into a guard's throat as he rounded the corner with his weapon drawn. She wrinkled her nose in thought while Mando shot two more. "I've got it! The Lone Wolves. It's fierce and mysterious. We'll strike fear into the hearts of our enemies."

Jones raised his eyebrows like he was seriously considering that one. He tossed a grenade at the troops ahead. After the dust settled from the blast, Kella said through gritted teeth, "How are we lone wolves when we're all together? That doesn't work as a team name." She shook her head, disgusted with herself for humouring Grox's eccentricity at a time like this. "And shouldn't you focus? We're being shot at, Grox!"

The smuggler shrugged. "I fight better when multitasking."

Jones nodded seriously at Kella. Clearly he was used to humouring his captain.

Taking the lead ahead of them, Mando stepped over the bodies, checked the next corridor, and called back, "Clear! Let's move." With the rest of them following, he asked, "Kella, which way?" Grogu peeked out of his satchel at her and grinned. He was elated to be back in his usual spot.

"Turn right," she said. "Then down the service passage on the left. After that, it's a straight shot to where we enter the ventilation shaft to the hangar." They moved quickly. The longer it took to get out, the more troops they would have to face. As Kella knew, there was no shortage of reinforcements.

Blaster fire came from behind this time. Another patrol had found them. "Keep moving!" yelled Mando. They hugged the walls and entered the service passage while Mando stood squarely facing the enemy and laid down cover fire. Blasts ricocheted off his Beskar armor. One shot hit the strap of Grogu's satchel and he tumbled to the floor with a squeak. Mando yelled, "Kid!" and knelt to shield him without any pause in shooting.

Jones snatched up Grogu as he ran with Kella and Grox. Peg and Luu were a few steps behind. When they crossed the last intersection before the ventilation shaft, a shout came from the hall to the right, "Open fire!"

Peg and Luu skidded to a halt just before a squad of a dozen troops started shooting. Heavy blaster fire rendered the way impassible. On the far side, Jones tossed Grogu to Kella and returned fire from behind the corner.

Shooting blindly by sticking his hand into the hallway, Luu managed to pick off a couple of the Paraluxe security forces. There was nowhere for the troops to take cover, so they made up for it with lots of shooting and stayed low to the ground or pressed against the walls.

Luu barked at Peg, "Now might be a good time to bust out that lightsaber." He fired off more shots but hit only walls this time. The troops inched closer. Jones and Grox were good shots, but the heavy weapons fire kept them from peeking around their corner often.

Peg nodded nervously. She activated the green blade with a whoosh. It hummed and cast a menacing glow against the walls and ceiling. She stepped out where she could see better. Both hands firmly held the hilt as she stretched the blade outward.

The shooting slowed when the enemy caught sight of her unfamiliar weapon. Peg swung at the red bolts that wizzed by. Each shot zipped easily past the blade. The firing speed picked up again, and she swung the green beam back and forth more wildly. One shot ricocheted off the lightsaber back at the troops. "Did you see that!" she asked Luu. "I hit one!" Another blaster bolt struck the lightsaber. This time it bounced toward Luu, hitting the wall by his head.

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